Georginio WIJNALDUM: 2020/21

I don’t give that much importance to the armband, I don’t have a problem that Gini is wearing it with his contract expiring and probably leaving. They’ve been together for 5 years or so. It’s about a pack of leaders, different in their own ways.

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This is it. Sorry behavior like this from the captain on the night, with a young, inexperienced, defence struggling, is unacceptable to me.

And sorry @Zoran the armband and leadership definitely matters.

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That action is crap, yeah. I’m not a fan of Gini, but I understand the importance of him especially in the last 2-3 years or so. I’m not saying it doesn’t matter, but that I don’t have a problem with him as our current captain with 3 captains out.

For one thing nobody within their last six months at a club (unless they’re retiring) should be wearing the armband. Where is the commitment and passion for the side they are supposed to be leading? For another thing nobody without leadership and passion should wear the armband. Wijnaldum should never wear it.


Okay, that’s your opinion.

I think Gini is mainly committed, so I disagree on that point.

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As if we don’t have any other problems we need to start another one with a discussion about 4th choice captain who has been voted by the whole squad 3 years ago. :man_facepalming:t4:

And imagine if the manager would take away that Armband from him - not yesterday let’s say few months ago when it became clear he won’t extend his contract - man that would have been exemplified loyalty :man_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:

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Yeah it would have. Be loyal to the club or don’t wear the armband seems quite simple to me. Not sure why this is seen as controversial.

Don’t worry ARD. He’s off, won’t be captain again after this year.

Who is the next in line though when hendo, milly and virj are not about?

Trent which worrys the fuck out of me… He is not ready…

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His level of performance over the last 3-4 months has been abysmal. He can thank his lucky stars that Thiago and Keita have bore the brunt of the criticism.


I don’t get the criticism. Play it through…he leaves that position on the edge of the box to go and do the job of Trent and Phillips and allows an easy ball into the feet of Kroos or Modric to take an unpressured shot from 20 yards. Why ask him to abdicate his job to go and do another player’s job they were in position to do?

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I’ve got no problem with the job he was doing in that area just how he was doing it. For one he’s ball watching, if there had actually been a runner behind him, as he was guarding against (correctly), I’m not convinced he’d have seen/reacted to them as he’s literally frozen to stone. But there’s no organisation, instructions or leadership of any type. He’s wearing the armband for a reason. Henderson, Milner or VvD are doing that job and seeing a ball about to be played in like that I’m damn sure they’re shouting for Nat to step forward and cut it out.

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I love Gini, but as I said earlier in the thread, I’ve decided I’m ok if he goes. This entire setup needs a mini reboot and I don’t think it’s going to make much of difference if he stays or goes.

At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, Gini is the embodiment of what our side and tactics overall has become: passive, stale, predictable, vanilla. We have too much of the same thing in midfield. I don’t know what The Boss wants or asks from his midfield but it’s confusing at times. I have a hard time believing they’re not doing exactly what’s asked of them and JK is simply accepting it night in and night out.

Unless of course they’re doing exactly what’s asked of them.

When we concede such a terrible goal as that third one, I don’t see what value there is in picking on a player who had no real role it and criticizing them based on a speculation that they would not have been able to deal with a completely different scenario than happened.

I also see the comment about the arm band as a similar sort of arm waving misdirection. I get though that others have a different opinion on what the arm band means so that’s probably one of those agree to disagree issues, but what I will say is that both Nate and Trent were facing the play. If they need a midfielder to direct them to see and react to the play developing in their full view then the issue isnt one of lack of vocal organization from the man wearing the arm band.

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I didn’t say that. The whole action is rubbish defending from our part. And Gini has to be ready there, on his toes, sense also some danger.

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Nat isn’t good enough we know that. He was being badly exposed and targeted. By that stage some on pitch leadership was needed to help him through. The guy perfectly positioned to do that was Gini. The person most responsible for that was the one wearing the captain armband, yet again Gini. Not blaming him for the goal, Phillips was responsible. But I expect whoever is wearing the armband for LFC to not be so passive and limp and leave inexperienced teammates to get on with things without direction and encouragement. It wasn’t that incident it was the whole game I just saw others taking the piss out of him playing the statue game and it seemed like a good example of how passive he was all game.

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The problem I have as him as captain is he is tactically astute but it’s all in after thought there’s no anticipation. This slows our response down. He also doesn’t seem to any command. He’s a poor captain what ever his situation at the club. Nice likeable doesn’t equal captain material.

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Someone in Phillips’ position does need to be guided through a game. You see that on the first goal. Does he step or does he drop?. Does he worry about Benzema inside him or Vinicius outside him? This is not about captaincy though, it’s about the whole team. On that first goal, given where the ball is relative to everyone’s position, that has to be Trent because he’s got the angle to be in best position to provide that direction. On that third goal though, Real have one player in the box who can possibly score and he’s right in the line of sight of Trent and Phillips. I just don’t think it’s a reasonable expectation of a captain, or any player, to bridge the gulf between a player responding to shit right on front of them or not.

So, if your issue is not with what was happening in that clip but in the greater game, then fair enough. But I was responding to that clip per se.

My view on the armband is it should mean something, it should mean you elevate those around you… Inspire… Lead… Especially when some of our key leaders are out - Hendo, Van Dijk, Milner.

It doesn’t mean he needs to coach players through the game, but the least I’d expect is he spends the first 20minutes of the game making sure we are in it. We start at the tempo required, we snap into some tackles (do it yourself), we keep possession and keep it calm.

Gini did none of those, he in fact did a “ghost” act. I find that leaves a bad taste for someone who has been given the responsibility of captain.

For all I have my gripes about Milner, he never ever hides on the pitch. He might make mistakes but fuck me he shows the fight we need. Klopp really needs to find some players who will step up and lead, Gini has done nothing to demonstrate he can yet.


Wijnaldum was never a leader, not with the clubs in Holland or with us he simply is not the type he does not possess charisma or has a vocal presence. They made him captain for holland because he has seniority and plays for a top club but de Ligt is a much better captain and will be that soon.