Gini Wijnaldum (CM) - PSG

Gini has told close friends he don’t want to move his young family from Liverpool and move abroad.
If this is true Gini ain’t going nowhere. :shushing_face:




We of course do not know whether Salary is a sticky point or one of, but I think a fair reflection of his importance in the team would be the salary of around Henderson and Milner who happens to be earning the same amount of 140K. Keita is on 120K and doing nothing near to what Gini has done for us. I too agree that while Gini has been part of the midfield trio that won us everything, he is not more crucial to us, in my opinion, than Henderson in midfield so I think a salary around 140K but not higher is fair in our opinion, but of course Gini has earned his right to do what he think is right for his career and future. Whatever it is, I think most of us will respectfully wish him the best if he decides its better to leave.

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Gini told the neighbours dog he wants out. Hmmmm

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With these recent stories I’m more confident than I’ve been for a while that Gini’s going to sign a new deal. The quotes are not about the length of the new contract so that’s positive.


I’m sure we will give him plenty of dosh to sign a new deal. It should reflect his reliability, quality, the amount of time on a ‘lesser’ wage due to ongoing negotiation, and some extra for being an ‘almost-Bosman.’

Gini will make a bundle, so well played fella.

And at the same time, we won’t mind it one bit, as he is a good player who is always available.

Sign here. Now, let’s win the title again, and the CL too!

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If we don’t sign 2 CBs in January, make him top earner then play him at the back with Fab. A spine of Alisson, Fab, Gini, Hendo, Thiago and Keita (when all fit) might not be the most solid defensively but my god we’d score some goals.

Until Thiago and Keita can prove their fitness and the CB crisis remains, we can’t lose another CM without a serious replacement and that will cost ££££.

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Yeah but can the dog talk?

Personally think Gini’s PR team are playing a blinder.


Yeah ofcourse he can! How else would we know!


Never thought of it that way. When Can left it was ‘how could he rob the Club of a transfer fee’ and with Wijnaldum it’s ‘why isn’t the club doing more to keep him’ and if he does leave it seems increasingly likely that people will blame the Club rather than the player.

Not that I believe blame should be apportioned to anyone. He’s earned his due and the Club have gotten good service in return.


This summer I already said that we should sell him if he does not want to sign a new contract. Apparently, there were no takers.

If he wants to stay, fine, if he wants to leave fine too, I’ll wish him well and thank him for his service.


I was one of the few that had no issue with Can leaving. At the end of the day, you sign a contract with an end date, and you do what is best for you as your contract comes to its end. Like Gini is doing, Can kept his powder dry - no public flirting with other clubs, no agent driven bullshit causing storms in the media.

Would rather players conduct themselves in a discreet and sensitive manner - not as other past players have done, such as Sterling, Bobby Duncan, Coutinho, Suarez, and Torres, to name a few. Obviously, there are differences for each scenario, and what each players end goal is, but being a cunt and not being a cunt are important.


Neither did I and I agree completely with your post. My point is that that large parts of the fan base are developing a completely different narrative to what is basically the same situation.


Yep. Unfortunately, some people just have an inbuilt negative perception of everything that happens with the club, and these days, social media provides easy platforms to spout their views and cause storms in teacups.

Even when stuff is rosey, they moan about something. It’s just not the same as it used to be, when you would sit in a pub on a sunday with complete strangers having civil arguments about various aspects of football. Although even then, you’d always find one person in the pub being a cock.

Fuck…I’m getting old!


Lemonaid or Donought stand though?


Yep. I’d love him to stay but I doubt it now.


It will be like the Somme in here once he leaves. So many opinions polarised.


Rumours he’s about to sign a 3 year deal. :clap:


with Barcelona :face_with_raised_eyebrow: