Gini Wijnaldum (CM) - PSG

I would pay him an extra million signing bonus if he trolls Barca.

And then I would fire Edward’s for not having my genius negotiating skills.

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IMO Gini deserves every bit as much £££ weekly wage as anyone at the club. Anyone. I don’t want to put players against each other but it’s criminal what Keita makes respective of Gini. He’s about 8th on the list and is on the exact same wage as Taki. Something doesn’t seem right.

Each and everyone here would feel the exact same way if they were in the same situation, negotiating with their own employer. The hypocrisy from some is surprising.


Indeed, Im sure they have never even kicked a ball in anger. A ball retaining CM is priceless. Its just too complicated to see how he benefits the team, for the some, or one, maybe. Inflammatory compared with what Keita and Taki earns.

Absolutely. And just like I posted on TIA my support of how classy Can handled himself, and understanding of his potential career goals, I’ll do the same with Gini if he goes.

He’s responsible for that situation though. He could have been earning more than both of them for the last 18 months had he accepted the terms offered by the club back then.


I have.

And I’ve had one of mine kicked in anger and I can tell you it fucking brought tears to my eyes and a strange lump to my throat.

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You’ve referenced this before but what exactly was offered? I’m not challenging you personally Kopstar, you’re one of my all times favorites you know that, I’m more asking what Gini was offered.

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I can’t say precisely (because I can’t remember if I was told the exact figure and if I was, I can’t remember it!) but it wasn’t less than £100k/week. £115k/week seems to ring a bell but I don’t know if that’s because I was told it or whether that’s what I’ve surmised. Sorry, it was a while back!

Fuck, just how hard were you kicked?! :rofl:

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Gini is paid considerably less than Hendo, Thiago, Milner and Ox.

He wants Wages inline with them, rightly so.

He will probably be offered it and will sign.

We all live happily ever after

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Completely agree that Gini is underpaid, but that it is because his wages are based on an old deal, and he could have been significantly boosted along the way, had he signed.

The situation now is he either leaves OR signs a new deal, on much better terms, and I dare say with a sweetener to backdate the wages ‘missed’ and maybe even a signing bonus for the new deal, so we don’t lose a valuable asset on a Bosman.

I think he will stay, but it’s touch and go.


Henderson deserves more as he is club captain. :sunglasses:


He also drives the team on. Something Gini just doesn’t do. Henderson won’t always succeed at it but Gini plays well when the team do and plays anonymously when the team plays bad.


Agree Henderson should be paid more than Gini, but they should be in the same ballpark.

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Well as Hendo isn’t one of our top earners and Gini wants to be surely you see the problem? Gini could have been within the same ball park for around 2 years now but seemingly rejected it. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for him missing out (even though it was his choice) and compensate him for the missed earnings by adding them onto any agreed deal to get him to sign. Which would make him one of our biggest earners without being one of the best, most influential or highest standing in the club. If you were to start again with the salaries at LFC some players like Keita may get pay cuts and some like Gini may get pay rises but in Gini’s case probably not much higher than what he rejected nearly two years ago. And if he’d accepted then he’d probably be on his 2 years left window now negotiating another steady little pay rise. But he hasn’t wanted that he’s chosen to go without a small increase for a couple of years presumably to get himself a bigger increase moving forward either with us or elsewhere.


I don’t know what any of them earn, but given how you lay it out, I can see the problem!

And Hendo should be one of the top earners - not a star like say Mo or VVD, but a very good player, a good leader, and our captain, so that all deserves a boost.

Still, he’s unassuming and will do his job, old school in that way, which is why he is so respected even after taking on an impossible job post-Stevie.

With regard to Gini what will be will be, but I hope a deal can be sorted and he stays.

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But again, what did he reject? Please link. Someone please link me to this mythical deal that Gini “rejected”. No one seems able to do that.

Your post is loaded with emotion based on nothing but conjecture. Unless your able to show me specifically what deal Gini “rejected”. In other words, it’s simply your personal narrative nowhere rooted in reality.

And who exactly is “feeling sorry” for Gini? More hilarity from your post.


What you’re asking for won’t ever exist with the way this club operate these days. You’re asking for the impossible but it seems extremely unlikely that we’ve acted DIFFERENTLY with Gini than is our standard operating process now. Also anyone who has close ties who reports on the club act like it’s common knowledge he’s had contract offers sitting there untaken for over a year and a half now. There’s as much “evidence” weak as it may be for that than there is for anything else involved with this except for the knowledge his contract ends this summer. And plenty on here are on Gini’s side saying we need to pay him what it takes, he’s been underpaid, the club are underappreciating him etc.!

But what if what the club has offered to him was lower than what he think he deserved? If he had accepted the lower pay, that would take him to 33-34 of age. And what if he was offered a pay equivalent of Keita which is rumoured to be around 120K which Gini rightly would reject as Henderson and Milner is paid higher but from the club perspective, 120K is already a 50K pay rise from Gini supposed current pay of 70K.

But all these are what ifs, so there is really no point getting all flustered or frustrated over our assumptions. Gini and the club had been very respectful of each other throughout the negotiations even if they cannot come to an agreement yet, so there is no reason why we cannot do that and let it play out its conclusion, whatever that may be

The captain and vice captain should both be paid more than him though. For a start They Can both be more influential on performances and results and both offer more leadership on and off the pitch. If Gini had of extended when we typically do it for a reasonable pay rise (it would fly against logic and be against how LFC operate to say anything else) then this summer he would once again be at the two year mark and able to negotiate another steady increase. He’s sacrificed the small increase then and the one that would be coming. The only logical motivation for doing so is to create freedom of choice to gain a much larger pay increase than the two small ones combined and not be locked in with us as his only option. He might still extend and he might still stay (although I’ve never believed he will) but this is the most intelligent way for a footballer to get what he wants or thinks he deserves or simply because he knows it’s the best way to get the biggest possible salary. Gini is doing nothing wrong. He’s serving his own best interests and being 100% professional at all times. But his best interests are in direct conflict with the club’s best interests so it confuses me why people are making this a club vs player thing (it’s all on the player) and then being supportive of the player and acting like he’s some form of victim. He earns millions a year and has sacrificed increasing that by a few more million so he doesn’t have to be forced into staying here and can have the option to move elsewhere for much more. It’s greed and self interest over loyalty to LFC. He’s entitled to do it but I’m shocked he’s painted as some form of martyr on here over it. It’s a decision to serve himself even though it denies LFC a £30-50m asset.