Goodbye Fellow Reds, Friends and Everybody Else

This is like a discussion in the Beginners Art Interpretation Class

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A shart is a fart that ends badly.

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Crows and seagulls find that statement racist.

It’s disgraceful to be so woke in this topic, please behave.


He was undoubtedly a wind up merchant who would attempt to provoke and then fake surprise when he got a reaction. This is a common type on the internet, but it’s a very tiresome game.
His claim that his views were cancelled wasn’t based on reality. The problem was that he never engaged when presented with evidence that contradicted his stance, and thus he was impossible to discuss with in a rational manner. It would be great to have someone who argued conservative positions with logic and sense, but he wasn’t that person.
In fact, he came across as an annoying adolescent, unready to join the adult world. Sadly, there seem to be a lot of his type about.


Is that even possible?

If we give up on the possibility of engaging with those we disagree with, what is left but conflict?

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I think it is possible with someone with a moderate centre right position. I think that view could really add some value to discussions.

As with all things the further you drift to the extremes the more difficult it gets to be balanced.

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But if those with whom you engage cannot present any facts to support their stance, and refuse to listen to logic, how can you take them seriously?


Well, no, exactly. That was Klopptimist.

I don’t think every Conservative is like that.

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I don’t believe there is a single modern Conservative principle (in the UK, at least) which can be justified, hence my initial statement.


I always refer to them as Tories. There is nothing wrong with conservatism as an opinion. In fact, I would say it is necessary in a healthy democracy. Conservatism does not mean fraud, theft, destruction of national institutions and the rule of law. In fact, it is supposed to mean quite the opposite.


And yet, here we are…

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Imagine living in the US. :scream:

Part of the reason it was a shame that @kopstar flounced off


Logic and sense? Kopstar?

You must have the wrong person.


For a conservative position (beggars can’t be choosers)

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Another part of the reason was because he was trying to get you kicked off the site and the mods wouldn’t have it.

He was a right stroppy little fucker.

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Because of my intemperate language around the hydrocarbon cunts?

lol … yeah