I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

Good grief, what a remarkably terrible shirt.

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Limited edition, hurry up before they’re all sold…


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This is playing out almost exactly as I thought a couple of months ago. Everton is in a deep, potentially existential financial crisis. Moshiri is essentially walking away, and 777 are a vulture capital firm. Their hope is that the lack of any other alternative will compel the league and FA to approve them.

I give it three months after the takeover before 777 openly starts to trying to rinse city government for funds.


What do you think their business plan is? Everton have potentially three assets: Their stadium, their following and their Premier League place. The first and last are in doubt. Are they looking at selling on to Arab interests?

Probably cobble together the financing to finish the stadium, presumably with a healthy chunk of government money, then try to sell the club on. Relegation would be the fly in the ointment.


Has the UK government ever contributed to a made for purpose football stadium before? I know City and West Ham inherited athletics stadiums after the Commonwealth games and Olympics but has a stadium been gifted before?

No, but two points;

i) Never underestimate the will of American sports owners to seek public funds for their ‘civic projects’, and that sentiment was already there in Liverpool regarding the Everton stadium project.

ii) A major reason why public funding has been blocked is EU rules on state aid. Brexit shifts the ground significantly for an English club, especially one with no imminent danger of being in UEFA competition.

That said, I think the play will be a squeeze on municipal coffers, not Westminster - with the expectation that the city will do the legwork to get money from the UK government.


The same happens in many spheres of business: risk is nationalised (or at state/local level), while profit is privatised.


Free Lollipop with every Limited Edition shirt purchased :0)


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Look like rainbow colored turd.

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Just looking at Everton now makes me appreciate how close we could have been to that mess. Whilst it’s fun to poke fun at rival fans, I find the entire situation tragic.


Mill Financial might be a little more polished around the edges than 777, but it would have been a fundamentally similar situation.



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They’ve already been rinsed by Everton, to the tune of £140 million towards the new stadium and 12 million to buy the land for Finch Farm.

A long piece here about 777. If you can’t be bothered with all of it , scroll to the sub section at the end ‘A Fiery Welcome’ to get to the football related bit.


Freed article here: https://archive.ph/wNCPs

This is all shades of awful isn’t it

I think even with the trying times. We got to remember fondly that Luton beat Everton at Goodison.


They’re just so fucked you almost feel sorry for them. And by “almost” I mean not even a little just for clarification.


Much as I love laughing at these, I don’t want this for them.

Some day this could be us facing a situation like this, or any number of teams. Everton are shite and bitter, but football is all about rivalries. Relegation? Fine, slap it up them. Administration? Nah, not for me. Hopefully this doesn’t end that way for them.


Yeah I find their on field struggles amusing but I wouldn’t wish the shit to hit the fan off field.

Saying that some clubs down below have been cheated over because Everton overspent.