I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

We are a quarter of the way through the season and they are 3 points above the drop zone. At that pace they could “just” escape, but I’d argue that they would be better off dropping this season and rebuilding with a clean slate.

Of course, it would be hilarious if they escaped due to City being booted out but that isn’t going to happen, is it?


Then there’s the question of how a rebuild would look like under new ownership. All looks rather bleak from their perspective.

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With 777? It wouldn’t surprise me if they pocketed the parachute payment and stadium and then scarpered.

Would the 777 deal be confirmed if Everton do get relegated?

For the right price, i dont see why not.

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Gotta wonder how the likes of Toney has been banned - looks like Everton will get points deduction…Yet City still havent been charged on 115 accounts.

Stinks of corruption and brown envelopes


Let’s wait till the ruling on City.

Even if I’m inclined to agree with you.

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I think it’s much easier to obtain a result on a couple of charges… Than 115 charges.

Teams don’t generally survive points deductions whether it’s psychology or something else.

With Everton I think it’s rather clear breach of overspending.

Man City’s seems far more.


Genius strategising by City. The more they foul, the less likely they are to be penalised.


Carra was ranting about this, being thick as fuck as usual. Everton are answering one breach. City 115. Obviously Everton is going to be dealt with relatively quickly.

When the City charges were levelled, experts said that it could years to reach a conclusion. We have to wait for that one to run it’s course.

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Trump…perfected this stratergy

It’s also straight forward and whatever Everton say is evidently breached.

Everton’s new ground has ‘rock climbing wall’ as fans joke how steep stands are

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Good grief. I was once at the top of Goodison Road stand and had vertigo. I think with that you’d need oxygen.


Isn’t that just the way the photo has been taken. iPhones like taking that angle.


the handles on the staircase are the giveaway…its a vicious angle.

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You’d really want a rail in front of you with those seats. I don’t think I’d feel very safe.

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It doesn’t bother me, because I’ll never set foot in the place.

Not sure it’s going to be easy for someone to climb. Especially aged folks.