I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

Well they could be deducted a large number of points, this Everton situation has been the case for some time now.

Chelsea will be some time away and Man City will be a while I feel too.

City will get a 20 point penalty.

They’ll just apply 4 to last season (win by 1 point), 1 the season prior (win on GD), 11 to the season before (win by 1 point), and the rest to 19-20 when they already finished second a mile ahead of Utd in third.


Headlock of the Year :laughing:

Everton get 10 points for 1 charge from issues in 1 season.

City having 115 charges over 6(?) seasons should be 6900 point deduction by my totally unbiased and level headed calculation


They could get it next weekend!


Only the 3rd in the Prem era which is remarkable, points deduction should be used far more frequently…tragedy chanting comes to mind, pitch invasions when celebrating Prem survival comes to mind…


Letting fan behaviour affect league standings would open a ferocious can of worms.


Whilst I tend to agree, I think it would only take 1 charge to stick and you would find 99% of fans would probably self-police. Yes there will still be that odd 1 dickhead, but I think the majority would pull their heads in (especially for things like tragedy chants)

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Are we not past the point of this?

The sport’s descending deeper and deeper down that blackhole they find themselves in, I say the Prem with the help of the FA restores some order and takes back control.

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I still find that situation at Old Trafford when they protested before our lockdown match not getting punished very surprising.


Yep. It was a planned demonstration and caused the postponement of a fixture. It was a big surprise that not only were Utd not docked points for it that they got the opportunity to reschedule rather than the abandoned game being automatically assigned as a 3-0 win to us as is standard


And allow for fans of other clubs to seriously abuse.


Clubs don’t control fans, and making them the locus of discipline is really problematic. Now, clubs can and should be affected by discipline applied to fans (empty stadiums for example), but that is a different matter. All of those point deductions were applied for elements inside a club’s control.

To take an extreme case, tragedy chanting is the sort of thing that could readily be started by a small group of paid actors. Sure, the rest of the knobheads have to go along with it, but it may or may not have happened.

The ultimate owner of Newcastle United is a man who had hired killers to execute and carve up Khashoggi for saying bad things about him. Do you really think he would be above trying to provoke an incident with a Champions’ League spot on the line?


Overspending by 20m doesn’t sound very high, I thought it was much worse than that. 10pts for 20m seems steep. This is without a doubt the year to graciously accept the -10pts and say hey, give us another -2pts for the hell of it.

They could give their best three player to Lutron, Sheffield Utd and Burnley for free, and still stay up.


It might prove to be quite shrewd by the PL to have set this precedent while the City (and Chelsea) cases are in progress.

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My understanding is it is not a one time overspend though. It is overspending after being on provisional restrictions for continually overspending over the period that preceded it.


Yup it’s continuous breach.

They’d have been buggered in the Championship on this though.

That seems harsh to punish those sides. Trying to stay up is going to be hard enough without asking them to do it with Everton’s players.


BTW, a typo, this is not Ultron’s sickly brother.