I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

We should be able to seek compensation.

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I’d actually question this. They have been horrendously run and the financial irregularities have resulted from that. I’m not sure that there is much evidence that the cash has helped them. In fact there is plenty of evidence that it has had the opposite effect.

I expect that would be offered as a defence against any damages.


It doesn’t matter if they didn’t use the cash properly. Just having that cash allows you an advantage.

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And what about the teams that finished fifth and were cheated out of Champions League money? And those who missed out on Europa League qualification? And the teams who were beaten by the cheats in cup finals and lost additional sponsorship revenue as a result?

Too many complications, so it won’t happen.

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Everything they’ve “won” gets awarded to the runners up. Their league results are expunged and they provide to all affected teams, a monetary compensation similar and proportional to the money the latter would have received had they finished in their rightful place.

Last but not least, they get a massive points deduction, relegating them to a lower division, for wilfully, repeatedly and brazenly ingoring the rules and regulations.

Not complicated at all.


As @RedArmada points out, it may not be all that complicated. Plus, giving compensation to Leicester, Leeds and Burnley now would set a precedent and lawyers do like a precedent.

In 2014, City beat Sunderland in the league cup final. How much did that defeat affect Sunderland financially?


Prize money + whatever Sunderland consider to have lost in revenue. An arbitration panel could come up with a number for each case.

The problem isn’t calculating how much City will have to pay but actually having the will and determination to go through with it.

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Being the League cup that’s about a tenner.

The European football is the biggest hit in that situation.

Being relegated from the PL sadly is probably a bigger hit.

I don’t have any issues with these clubs seeking compensation, spent wisely it could have denied others.

Because they aren’t doesn’t suggest otherwise, I think a lot are conflating the Man City situation though being over 100 charges I think to expect that to be any time soon would be fanciful

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Remove the titles from them and disband city as a club.

The Premier league won’t be concerning itself with games played in the Football League Cup and the F.A. Cup. But yes, just as with Leeds, Burnley and Leicester, there will be clubs seeking compo for non-qualification for the CL due to City’s and Chelsea’s (alleged) wrongdoings.

In football that very rarely if ever happens. The only one I can think of is the second of the two titles taken away from Juve in the Calciopoli case that was awarded to Inter as the verdict was relatively contemporaneous with that season. It is notable that the first of the two title taken from them from the season before was left vacant. As was the one ten years earlier from Marseille.

The precedent might make this season interesting (or next, depending on how long this takes) but there are no honours being retrospectively added to our list


I’m not particularly bothered as long as the punishment on them is just.

It’s an absolute joy to witness the gnashing of teeth going on with these bitter wankers. So much ‘kopite behaviour’ on show all of a sudden. Go-fund-me pages, suggestions for banners being made, booing the PL anthem…and much chagrin aimed at Manchester City, who they have praised to high heaven over the last few years when it suited. The threads on WSAG when they won the CL were fucking beyond belief because it “boiled our piss”.
Not so funny now is it?
I’m glad to see nobody on here has offered much sympathy. They don’t deserve any, especially from us regardless of the historic rivalry. No club has suffered more from financial cheating than our own, 3 titles stolen from us by those manc cunts. And nobody gave a shite because “anyone but the scousers” was all that mattered. They even begrudged us the one we won with the null and void bollocks and still claim it has an asterisk next to it.
So fuck 'em. Bring it on with City and Chelsea. There’s real talk of relegation, stripping of titles etc if they want the punishments to be proportional. It could be epic.


What about the clubs that missed out on Champions League or Europa League by 1 spot?

Will they be able to seek compensation?

The Everton (and City) cases are discussed on Gary Lineker’s latest podcast which I found interesting:

The conclusion seems to be that Everton knew they were at risk of breaching Premier League regulations and tried it on anyway.

To my mind, Chelsea and City is far more involved simply because what they are doing is underhand.


Will have a listen to this while on my daily run. Thanks.

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I suspect Everton is appealing the points not because they are concerned about the relegation fight, but because they don’t want that finding as an element of evidence in the claim for damages from other clubs. That sort of nine digit overhang is the kind of thing that prevents deals from closing.