I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

I think they will if it is priced in. This is more an issue for current owners who wish to sell as there arent many options beyond 777 out there at the moment - and 777 will look to leverage that.

Not sure Leeds, Leicester and Burnley have much of a case anyway - havent they all been guilty of overspending to get promoted anyway?

Leeds and Burnley didn’t spend to the extent Everton did.

You could argue that Leicester did , but they won the league , made CL 2nd round , won the FA Cup and FFP norms restricted them from buying players who might well have made them stay up.

The point is Everton ignored those norms , whether they gained an advantage is moot considering the other teams followed the norms and then got relegated. They’ve got a very good case.

Everton were spending money with a bigger wagebill , netspend than us at one point of time. And Liverpool won the entire shit whereas Everton won fuck all


The problem here is each league in the English Pyramid has it’s own rules regarding finances and spending, so really have no idea how that can be factored in - unless the FA , the P/L and the F/L all sat round a table and came up with a solution that all parties agreed apon - not likely considering the money available in the Prem compared to the rest of the Football League I am not sure you can have a 1 size fits all rule.

Every other club except us intending to compete with City spent unreasonable amounts (far beyond their capabilities) all because City and Chelsea didn’t have those limits on them.

Chelsea’s been given a get out of jail card which is unfair.

City’s dodged every bullet.

Both the above two clubs need to be disbanded.

We can only expect these two cunts go down if Everton take the bullet. Come on bitters , do something good for the game.

The only reason we are in good financial health is because of Klopp and the transfer strategy. We have had to sell to buy to remain competitive. Man Utd with their budget nearly bankrupted themselves trying to attract players.


Yup, it’s why I’m annoyed with MPs especially outside Liverpool getting involved.

I can see why the Mayor does but why some MP from Stoke gets involved is just odd.

Lot of talk about this independent body and ownership in their letters but that is the whole point. Football should have an independent body that has teeth and is able to do these punishments. If one club spends beyond its means then everyone else does and you have a spiral.

Only reason why ITV digital implosion didn’t take half the football pyramid down with its debt was because the Football League got the parachute payments and restricted spending so vigorously. It’s why Bury is an exception not a norm.

Leicester is a good point as you saw they didn’t spend anything in the season leading to relegation because they knew how restricted they were.


Everton fans should only be angry with their own club. They’ve spent so much money in recent years that they should be able to have a team that can take a 10 point deduction and still be mid-table comfortably.

It’s no one elses fault they cheated and still ended up with a shite team.


The claims that it is somehow corruption are just bizarre, and really ironic because all along we knew:

i) Moshiri had really dodgy money, but quite possibly not enough
ii) Moshiri’s money depended on Usmanov, despite his claims to the contrary

it isn’t actually clear what corruption they are complaining about. City not getting hit (yet)? Toon? What happened to Chelsea?


Well there was but then Ukraine war and all…

Indeed. The grain and fuel shortages made them overspend. Shocking

I was more talking about their ownership model and the freeze on money.

Not that I disagree I have been vocal on these oligarchs.

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I may have overestimated how easy it would be for Everton to survive that deduction. They are by no means the least talented side in the league, but so poor right now.


It’s a reliance on others I just don’t see.

Burnley are the most surprising to me but Sheffield Utd don’t look great and Luton probably the only fighters there.

Where there is power, greed and money…There’s Moshiri and Usminov. I don’t remember any Everton fan complaining about corruption, when the Russian money was flowing into the club.


It is what makes the accusation of corruption such a bizarre line of attack. They were getting corrupt money funneled into them corruptly.


They have positively celebrated corruption in their pathetic support of City over the past however many years. Because it stopped the redshite winning stuff.
Even now you can go on their fan forums and read how it’s all our fault, we are the root cause of their problems and we are the reason the game is fucked in this country.
They are beyond insane and I long for the day they cease to exist.


Slightly better news.

And looks like he can aim for the Everton manager job soon.

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Don’t ya just love it when one of their own turn on them :0)

‘They’re the best fanbase in the country’

FT: Newcastle 1-0 Man Utd

Newcastle United

Newcastle matchwinner Anthony Gordon speaking to TNT Sports…

On his current scoring form: "I think it is down to the team and how hard we work for each other. I am just trying to work hard and be someone who the team can rely on and I am getting the rewards at the moment so I am happy.

On combining with Tino Livramento down the left hand side: "He has been a great addition to the squad. A lovely person and more importantly what a player. His form has been immense and I am really enjoying playing with him.

On his relationship with the fans: "They are the best fanbase in the country. The way we play at home compared to away is very different and it is all down to them."

He’s not wrong on their home and away form.

21/24 at home 5/18 away.

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back to the Ev…

the unflushable turd.