I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

Might be Trump tactics… appeal it and get the points deductions next season :0)

No idea. Article below doesn’t state on what grounds they’ve lodged the appeal. It does however say they could be dropped further points related to interest payments on the new stadium build.

I’d hate to be in the PLs shoes if Everton survive by a point and that interest payments issue hasn’t been resolved. My bet is the club’s just below them are paying a lot of attention to it.


Especially if it’s Luton.

Got battened 6-0 tonight. Whats annoying is they will turn up against us next week.

Optimus Prime 90S GIF by Transformers

No they’ll play exactly the same we’ll just fail to score with a 7.89xG :joy:


If we don’t beat this lot, then we don’t deserve the title.

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Their obsession with Liverpool Football Club over-rides everything else, even the prospect of their club failing to exist in 12 months time.
They have 3 home games next week, the derby sandwiched between relegation battles with Forest and Brentford. If you offered them 6 points from the other 2 games and a defeat to Liverpool or a win against Liverpool and defeat in the other 2 then they would take the latter without a moment’s hesitation. It is this way of thinking that has got them in the position they are in and it’s never going to change.


That’s true of the fans, but Sean Dyche knows his way around a relegation battle and would bite your hands off for that.

The Everton fans I know and unfortunately I know many, will celebrate a win against us as stopping ‘the red shite’ from winning the league, rather than three points towards their annual escape from relegation.


Their new revelation that the onerous interest on the RMF loan is related to the stadium construction (and therefore can be treated as an investment, not an operating expense) flatly contradicts all of their prior public statements about that debt. Difficult to see a basis for a successful appeal if none of the security agreements run to the stadium build, which appears to be the case.

Meanwhile, the MSP loan which is clearly to fund stadium development is essentially in default. MSP could have taken control of the club yesterday. The fact that MSP didn’t would seem to indicate they don’t believe the club is worth what their security is - they clearly want out of the Everton situation now.

Writ large, this is now very similar to the G&H situation, except that instead of the imaginary stadium project with development charges skimmed off from the club by the owners, Everton have a real project with massive debt associated with it, along with massive debt that probably isn’t.

I think there is a real possibility now that Everton will collapse into administration. The only scenario that prevents that is 777 stepping in, clearing the MSP debt with cash on the barrelhead, and at least servicing the RMF. I don’t think they have the intention or wherewithal to do that. Somebody here is going to blink, it isn’t going to be long for now, and it quite likely will happen before the end of the season. The end of season payout is too far away (late June, as I recall) to keep all these parties in station.


I love it when you talk dirty like that!

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The appeal is related to the second points deduction. The stadium "interest"one hasn’t hit them yet as far as I know.

Yep, I think it’s only a matter of time before things properly go south for the club.

If by some miracle they were able to complete the stadium that could attract an investor. Otherwise why would anyone go near them?

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No, the stadium interest one is pending. Another fairly weak one to resolve before that.

I have to wonder if the stadium loan is secured against the real property of the stadium, and is therefore separable from the club. If you are the lender for the stadium, and you are owed money by an otherwise insolvent club that is quite possibly facing relegation anyway, relying on that club to pay you back doesn’t seem wise. Pulling the stadium out of the picture collapses the existing club (as a corporation), but gets your repayment out from under that onerous 10% interest rate being paid to someone else.

The only thing I can see stopping that right now is MSP calculating that they could end up stuck with an empty, partially complete stadium while Everton plays Championship matches at Goodison. But the moment MSP sees that as the likely outcome anyway, they have no further interest in the continued existence of Everton as a club (in this incarnation anyway).


What happens if the stadium continues to be unoccupied and not fully constructed ?

That is easy. They become Man City 2.0


You can see a Coventry situation not to mention others with that stadium.

I do think more clubs should consider roofs, but in Everton’s scenario it’s best not to advertise further potential to asset strippers.

Watched the highlights of their defeat. Just look at how many times Everton ended up in trouble after they pressed as high as possible against Chelsea starting from goal kicks or from building deep. Even Dyche’s Burnley used to do that. Either press very high or quickly run back to form a compact mid or low block.

But hey, dinosaur Dyche is all about parking double decker buses for the whole game…

Honestly, do some people even watch football focused enough in comparison with how much they talk about it.

When you say 'watch football" does that include Everton?

Obviously not. Everton don’t play football, they fight like in WWE