I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread

Please don’t insult the WWE. :wink: :sweat_smile:

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Curtains spring to mind here

Just seen named headline for Everton Vrs Nottm Forest - ‘El Deducto’ :0)

NYT now reporting that the 777 takeover has collapsed


Fucking PGMOL fucking them again

titanic black and white GIF

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That’s 170m in debt that needs to be paid to 777 now as well.

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What is the difference between Everton’s financial structure now and ours in 2010 when Hicks and Gillett went into administration?

Is there a holding company involved or is it all on the club?

I don’t know if this counts as a difference.
H&G owed money to reputed banks. Moshiri owes it to shady people.

I don’t think Liverpool were under administration. We were probably leading to that.

Everton at this point are under worse financial conditions.


Also, we were still a big name with global pull and attraction.

Everton would struggle to pull in a brothel with a fist full of 50’s

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Everton can sell their top 5-6 players and they won’t get anywhere over 130m
Prickford gets 30 max.

Fixed for accurate transfer value

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My understanding was that the holding company was and it’s only asset was the club, against which the loans had been secured. RBS sold the club to settle the debt. Whether that counts as administration is another matter.

With Everton it is anybody’s guess. I would assume that the club is worth more as a going concern as I doubt a half built stadium, a knackered old stadium, and a training ground would attract much interest.

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It’s just crossed my mind that maybe they bit off more than they could chew with the new stadium? Remember H&G’s plans for Stanley Park?

I’m wondering if a more modest design that allowed for expansion would have allowed them to complete construction in a shorter timeframe and therefore provided them with something that could have attracted investors?

They didn’t anticipate Usmanov becoming a persona non grata as a result of the Ukraine invasion.


With constructions on that scale , I doubt a modest design would have been feasible. There’s no point in moving from Goodison if all that’s being added is a new 40k stadium.

They didn’t need to move from Goodison though. They have an ageing match going fanbase and with their continued failure , they aren’t attracting enough young fans.

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This is going to be an interesting day for 777, because they have a great deal of money stuck in Everton right now. Getting it back out is not at all straightforward, regardless of whatever sort of security agreement they may have. Before they exercise any such security, they first need a deal with MSP for ~£160M, and it is far from clear they are able to pay that out notwithstanding their assurances. Notably, even Deloitte is talking in terms of finding even more debt to get this across the line.

I really don’t want to see the scenario that I think is going to happen, bitter as the rivalry may be now I still think of it differently. But I think the whole thing is going to unravel over the end of season payout from the PL, which is really the only serious liquidity entering this scenario any time soon. MSP is going to want to take it, 777 will want to take it. The Everton board is going to realize that if either of those occurs, Everton will have no cash, at least one lending relationship in default, and have no choice but to ask for protection from those creditors.


I do.

I am not sure that that scenario will be positive for LFC, particularly in terms of how it influences this half-baked ‘football regulator’ idea.

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This year has seen a real shift in the conversation about FFP and related spending limits suggesting that the average fan has completely lost the point of why they were so important. It could just be a loud subsection, it could even be astroturfed, but I am seeing a growing push from fans to junk it because it’s unfair.

Could Everton actually feeling the consequences be the slap in the face the game needs?