I’ll have a bitter please...It’s the Everton thread


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He couldn’t utter a single Booooo because of his other cursing :0)


So obiously he’s only a part time supporter if he hasn’t yet mastered the Farkn Boo!


I support a club I hate everyone in and everything it does, and Im going to spend time going to the train station to abuse them is a mentality I cannot get my head around.


Tbf the guy who called Maupay a fucking rat and Holgate a fucking cunt was pretty accurate, can’t fault a man for his honesty.

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Like that’s got to be an advertisement not to go near that club.

When did Evertonians become so utterly unpleasant, because they really didn’t used to be like this. Was it when the Moshiri money came in and they suddenly had ideas above their station, or had it started before that when they realised that they couldn’t compete in the Premier League?


It’s a problem of folding your entire identity and self esteem into the fortunes of a football club that you have absolutely no agency over.

Personally, I think I’d lose interest and wonder off long before I got to the scream abuse at teenagers at a train station phase.


I assume the closest to be being this crap was during Hodgson and I just started to become a bit jokey about it all.

I can’t think of another period perhaps with Souness at the end but I was young and had never witnessed any success… oh wait :joy:

I feel a lot of the fans frustrations can be put down to a simple fact. Apart from maybe Coleman, a youngster or two, NONE of those players are there to play for the badge, or the club.
No fight, no desire, no digging in when the going gets tough… relegation battles highlight some of these traits.
They have become a club of mercenaries and journeymen.
It seems to be absolutely toxic the relationship between turnstile paying fans, and the present squad of players. Not just now, but for nearly the last decade. Now Kenwright is no longer at the wheel, the focus of anger is beginning to get spread amongst others.
The fans at the station were completely out of order for the type of hostility shown… but we have to remember, these are passionate, angry, volatile Everton supporters, that haven’t won a carrot in absolute ages… Long may it continue :joy:

They were relegation favourites last season after their first points deduction pulled them back into the bottom 3. A group that wasnt ready to fight and dig in when things got tough would have sunk like a stone after that points penalty. Everton picked up 12 points from their next 15 available


Fair enough.
It could also be put down to the players themselves feeling unjustly treated… they did it for themselves, not so much because they cared about EFC

That’s when I started getting really into the youth teams because watching the first team was so depressing


A few Everton fans in 1995 - the last time they won a trophy
Mind you, I’m sure we all looked like that back then :0)

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Speak for yourself mate. I looked like


You were auditioning for The Krankies? :thinking:


Nah, I was preparing to join my brothers’ rock band


The Boneheads?


Is it just me or does that uniform make absolutely no sense?

No idea why kids ended up dressing like that, it is what it is I guess