Liverpool Coaching Staff

According to some, he was directly responsible for Mignolet’s and Karius’ diverse fuck-ups. :joy:

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I’m sure it was only coincidence he just so happened to be around during the time every keeper we had before Ali came along were complete shite, including Pepe’s last few years.

I didn’t actually make anything of the criticism at the time and just perceived it as knee jerk banter during a time where every man and his dog came under heavy scrutiny.

I cannot believe he coached Karius to throw the ball at Benzema. Terrible coaching.


It wasn’t just them though. Prior to Allison, I think almost every keeper that worked under him regressed rather than progressed

His likely replacement

The only one who noticeably got worse was Reina, who was very touchy about his preferred coach Xavi Valero leaving the club. Everyone else was just not very good. He got a serviceable 6 months out of Karius - no one else has managed it.

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I seem to be getting him confused with a different GK coach, as I thought he worked with more keepers.

I always thought he was with us longer than he actually was.

Not sure where to put this article, but and interesting read.

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In other news, Andreas Kornmayer, the head of fitness & conditioning is also leaving LFC this summer. I am quite sad. I thought he was really good in his field of work. I remember he did those exercise videos during the covid restrictions which was really nice.
I hope Mona doesn’t leave. She revolutionised the eating habits of everyone.

More changes of the old guard and new guard.

It won’t be a position for Slot to fill, that will be down to Edwards and Hughes, although I imagine they will listen to any ideas that Slot suggests regarding his backroom staff

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One of the guys already confirmed to be coming over with Slot had the responsibility at Feyenoord that Kornmayer had so even without considering the validity of the stories that his role was a point of contention this seemed like a pretty certain development I was surprised there was that much debate about.

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Punctuation, LS. You don’t want COG on your case, do you?

I dont do punctuation before 9am


He will be joined by Vitor Matos, who will become their assistant coach.
Congratulations, good luck and all the best :heart:


Hope he has better luck than his previous attempt at being a manager.

Good luck to him. I have no idea why he is so disrespected by some of our fans. Jürgen has nothing but praise for him and that’s good enough for me.
Hope he does really well.


A very good opportunity for his second managerial role. If all goes well, he should only be there for a couple of seasons, and can make a step up to another enticing role. I never wanted him to succeed Klopp, due to the differences between being an assistant manager, and the manager/head coach. Being the figurehead, the leader, hopes and dreams, anger and tears pinned on that one guy. Making tactical decisions as the No.1, not the No.2, dealing with corporate stuff on a frequent basis combined with footballing responsibilities. If Lijnders can make that step up, he’s going to be one hell of a manager.


That’s an excellent new step for him. All the best to him and Matos, who both did a sterling job for us. :+1: