Liverpool Coaching Staff

Go on John. Seems fairly serious to be like a public call out like that. Would thought a quiet enough fine or one match ban would suffice for the pair of them

FA also got the day wrong. We played Newcastle on Wednesday not a Sunday

and that is how they’ll get off the charges… LOL!


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They do this for every offence. Evidently Hodges is the guy who threw the missile, not sure why John gets more singled out.

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Didn’t see any of it wonder was the bottle throwing a reaction to the two fingers?

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Still …

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I don’t know how you look at someone saying some mean words and another throwing bottles and think that’s basically the same thing.


Happy Sunday Weekend GIF by MSNBC

Maybe one only for the US audience

What about the bottle throwing…oh has that been overlooked…

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That must have been Daniel Hodges, who’s also been charged.

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Pep Lijnders on his future: "After this project I will be my own manager. When our contract finishes, I will sit down with my agent and see what’s available.

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And how long is his contract?

Same as Klopp’s.

They all signed at the same time didn’t they?

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Never noticed anything different in our throw-ins since he came in.

We were a lot quicker and gave it away a lot less but we seem to have regressed back to how we were so I can see there is not much point.

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Went from 18th worst to best in league at retaining possession from a throw in under him, and players distance throwing grew. He alluded to in his tweet goodbye that he wasn’t used as much over the last season. Maybe he took the players as far as he could, suppose players can only throw it so far?


I assume when the basics are going tits up, the extra things like this dont matter too much more.

The time is being spent by Klopp trying to fix the major things, not trying to maximise throw ins.

Guess its a bit like having a car with a fucked gearbox. Youd spend time and money fixing that, not focusing on tinting windows etc.

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It seems all very pleasant and fine so expect someone to write an expose on how Klopp thinks throw ins are shit and they came to blows.