Liverpool FC - Pre-season

Bayern aside we’ve played 2nd division sides…never mind the goals, the chances we’ve given up are still a cause for concern…when you see 2 CB’s left exposed with not another red shirt in sight you wonder what on earth the players are being coached to do, Klopp is on the side line still irritated as ever over what he’s seeing, it’s no surprise fans are feeling a tad worried. Our defence instability last season is well known, we haven’t signed a defensive player to date to resurrect that…what will change in that regard? I can see both sides, fans who are optimistic and fans who are pessimistic, this is just a general observation.

After watching a bit of a boring Chelsea vs Dortmund (1-1) last night I checked out their pre-season results and to be honest, they weren’t that great as well. Results in the article.

I guess they’re still struggling with their new system or something, so please stop the fear mongering, we have to wait and see.

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It’s so depressing on here, I’m going to listen to Leonard Cohen to cheer myself up.


A few years ago the idea of a DM or 6 wasn’t in the conversation. Ideas like press resistant etc were unheard of.
The game develops, what we watched 20 years ago, 10 years ago differs from today.
Imagine telling Ferguson about a hybrid full back? Or telling Bob Paisley about a DM?

Maybe the era of the 6 is over and a more fluid midfield develops. @Sweeting has expressed this way more knowledgeably than I can.

We are in pre season, with maybe a signing to come. I think Klopp has suggested this.

You are already knocking a la your in match contributions and thats your way.
I think we need to give the team the opportunity to settle.

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Gomez didn’t play first half, and Matip left massively exposed due to having no right back.

Gomez has become a liability for a long time now as discussed in previous threads. Should have been replaced already last season and Matip is way past his prime now, not good enough anymore even as backup. LFC are making the same mistake with the defence like they did with the midfield - holding on to players who can no longer perform at the highest levels required.

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Just going make a point it was in Singapore the game looked like an utter pingball for most of it.

Really think even the subs struggled with the heat.


The heat and humidity had its influence but Bayern used the same tactic as the premier league teams have been using the last 2 years lob the ball on our right hand side and a speedy player picks up the ball and they sow panic in our defense and score we need a good No6 and a tall and fast left footed CH to plug that hole sorry for the negativity I am sure Klopp will sort it before the Chelsea game they have their issues despite the humongous spending


Yet apparently it’s going get us relegated this as opposed to the last two.

The problems I saw is Matip can’t do it and Curtis Jones is not a number 6 oh and a linesman who couldn’t do his job.

It looked better with Konate there, that suggests what we need which I have put elsewhere, this idea we are now just shit and will struggle for mid table doesn’t address that the midfield does have more energy than last season.

Though I bet if Bajectic played last night it would have been better, I know clearly what we need and the club is working on it.

Klopp has openly admitted we are looking to do deals, he almost never says that.


Ya gotta just love the enthusiasm from that crowd :0)


But the problem is with the RCB???

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Yes you’re right should be a right footed CB

I did understand where you are coming from as we have no depth at LCB, I was just being devils advocate, howeverm our depth at RCB, aren’t playing well

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When did we sign him…! :0)


The Liverpool vs Darmstadt game will be on Servus TV for those of us in Germany/Austria or with a suitable VPN or those brave souls that want to bugger about with a sattelite without going the full Rod Hull on us.


Is the game in Darmstadt or at Anfield?


At the PNE ground

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Cheers mate