Liverpool Season: 2021-22


No Milner, No party :laughing:

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Since the CL draw I am convinced we will make the final which is on Saturday May 28th.

Also convinced that the winner of sundays game will win the league.

Matchday 38 is on Sunday May 22nd.

I know I am a bit early with this but would they do a parade before the CL final?

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Talked about the same thing a few weeks ago, I think even in this thread.

I don’t think they would. People would celebrate anyway, but I don’t think the club/team would be part of it.

In that case I think they would wait after Paris.

Fifty fifty game on Sunday for me but if we win I will book a flight to Liverpool for the day after the CL final.

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Yeah, I’m also thinking what to do.

2020 was such a shame, had everything booked for the parade.

I’d love to be in Paris (no illusions that I’d get a ticket, found one in Kiev, didn’t find one in Madrid, this time it might be even more expensive) and then in Liverpool. If I had to pick one, I’d be in Liverpool of course.

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No, because we need Jürgen to be sober for Paris.

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Not much happened. Lost 1 or 2% after the draw.


Think their model had us drawing or losing…

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Our SPI actually ticket up a tenth of a point after the match.

Honestly I have a feeling it’ll come down to the final day, and I think Stevie produces a miracle for us.

on paper we do have a harder final 7 games compared to Man City, so if we go on to win the league, it would take a slip up by Man City and for us to have a fantastic 7 final game run because as much as Everton, Manures and Spurs are shite this season…they can pull a fast one over us in a one off match if we are not top of our game…I still hope we will win the remaining 2 cups we are in to do a Cup Treble…and it will be a fantastic successful season but there will always be a tinge of regret if we don’t win the league this season…

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To win the FA cup we have to beat Man City and it’s highly likely to be the same for the CL.
It would be a massive achievement to win both.


Our remaining P/L fixtures vs theirs
Utd (h) - 7th / Brighton (h) - 11th
Bitters (h) - 17th / Watford (h) - 19th
NewSandcastle (a) / 15th - Leeds (a) - 16th
Spurs (h) - 4th / NewSandcastle (h) - 15th
Villa (a) - 12th
Saints (a) - 14th / West Ham (a) - 6th
Wolves (h) - 8th / Villa (h) (Stevie’s revenge) - 12th

There is something wierd going on, as according to the league table we’ve both played 31 games, yet we have 1 extra game to play in the league compared to them with our game against Villa the only one where they don’t play a game

But comparing their games to ours isn’t actually too different. Utd and Brighton are probably about as tough as each other - although you can expect Utd to get away with several attempts at GBH against our players.

Bitters and Watford are both shite, so no real difference between them.

We both have NewSandcastle and Villa

We have Spurs in 4th and they have West Ham in 6th - who could still make 4th mathmatically so won’t be an easy game.

They have Leeds in 16th and we have Saints in 14th both seem safe and with nothing to play for so both sets of players should probably be already thinking of their summer holidays

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That is assuming Pep doesn’t go all Hokey Cokey and have his usualy European Meltdown and try to prove to the world how smrt he iz :wink:

Their fixture with Wolves is to be decided

Ah, ok.

But looking at their fixture list, it can opnly be the midweek when we play Villa, so how hard is it for the P/L to pick 1 out of 3 days around the same time we play Villa?

I shouldn’t even be discussing anything other than Liverpool games but… Nah, I can’t help it because of Klopp. Man City have dropped points in eight matches this season and it happened twice against four different opponents. That means that there would have to be a fifth one, provided we win all of our remaining league games, but I honestly can’t see one - maybe Wolves (who are wildly inconsistent for such a talented side) but only if they are at their absolute best?

I’m not even sure when West Ham have to play them but if it’s after a Europa League match, then we can forget that game as their team have shown that they can’t cope with that weekend-midweek rhythm (I think that their recent PL defeats came right after playing in Europa League).

I vividly remember 2018/19 when we were in a similar situation (and we also had to play an in-form Tottenham at home and a wild Newcastle side away in the run-in), when we were analysing every team Man City had to face and most of us, if not all, agreed back then that only Leicester would be able to take points off them - and it was very, very close in the end.

I think that we will have to cheer on Man City to go past Atletico Madrid and then to give their all against Real Madrid in the semis. I dare not even think about our FA Cup match against them, nor the Champions League… But in case we come up short in Premier League, I couldn’t think of a better consolation that League Cup, FA Cup and Champions League treble. I could even picture a banner depicting Mickey Mouse juggling the three of them. :joy:

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Most people didn’t think Spurs nor Crystal Palace would beat them but…

Seriously, the way most of you lot are acting is almost as if you’re just trying to manage your disappointment rather than enjoying every single step of this…


What would people prefer (realistic).

Win the League but get beat by City in CL (final) and FA Cup (semi)
Win the CL and FA Cup but lose the League to City.

Just because I’m a petty petty man it would be to deny City winning the CL, despite me wanting the League massively!


I just posted in the season comparison thread that I could see City winning the league, Chelsea the FA Cup, and us the CL.

That’s not what I want, obviously I want them all, particularly the league, but what I think may happen. I’d still be happy with that though.

Worst case scenario, of course, is City winning the remaining 3 trophies.

If each of City and Liverpool were to win either of the two big ones I’d rather we won the league and City the CL. Maybe Pep would fuck off then. And City’s CL win would forever be tainted by their cheating and the knowledge that UEFA didn’t want them to take part.