Loan Watch: 2021/22

We need goals.

Harry is worth a go; he can’t be any worse than our current options.


Only video I can find with all 3 of Harry Wilsons goals in it for anyone who hasn’t seen them, first one is from 54 seconds in and is something really special. There is another goal in between his two freekick goals.


All three goals from different angles on this page. Seems this lad has turned into Steven Gerrard sometime this week!


They’ve always been the types of goals he’s capable of.

What was interesting about the first (apart from the ridiculous quality of the final shot) is that it happened because he was doing what has often been said to be something he can’t and why he wouldn’t fit here.

First he pressures the keeper forcing a mistake/sloppy rushed pass out to a player who needs to get rid of it straight away and he then cuts out the “safe” passing lane that player has so if he does anything but boot it up field they’ll lose possession, which is what happens and Harry instantly takes advantage whilst the keeper hasn’t got back in position yet.

A goal I think Klopp would particularly like.


I have to say that was a brilliant hatrick.

Would love to see what he is capable of doing if he was given a run in the first team.

I don’t think we have a midfielder who could score a hat trick of goals from outside of the box.

Would love to be wrong but I highly doubt it makes a difference at all for Wilson. He’s still only scored 7 in 36 games so let’s not get ahead of ourselves with the goalscoring midfielder talk.

Maybe he’ll stick around and get some cup/EL games next year. But probably not.


I know it’s the Championship and not out league (although they’d be struggling far more than we are if they didn’t have him) but those goals and assists would have him as out 4th top scorer and top assists maker here this season. I’m not sure it’s a level to be sniffed at.

In fact even for an entire season last year and the year before only our front 3 scored more and only Trent got more assists (by 1) last year and the same the year before.

To put it into context Sarr in a team doing far better has only had 4 more goal contributions in over 700 more minutes played. Harry actually has a slightly better goal contribution per minutes tally as well of 143.7 minutes per goal contribution to 150.3 minutes per goal contribution. Sarr is supposedly going to cost someone over £40m.

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Fixed it for you.


The title of the video is, shall we say, slightly misleading. The “ridiculous hangtime” is from the player in front of Grujic. He barely gets off the ground when he heads it in. Still, a goal’s a goal.


Yeah Sarr is a much bigger talent, no surprise.

Wilson isn’t going to be playing for Liverpool, he doesn’t have enough to his game.

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Good PR from his agent.

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Nah, just quite obviously a much better player.

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Yeah, I don’t see him good enough for our level (or our style). It happens all the time though. Minamino scores a few goals, then we talk about why did we let him go, then he can’t get a game anymore and it all goes silent. Wilson scores a few and it’s the same. With him Grujic and a few others it will be time to cash in.


To be fair, his first goal is brilliant, although the defender’s mistake is laughable. The two other goals are from set pieces. Very good and accurate.

But all that doesn’t mean that he’ll play with us next season. Otherwise, it would have happened already. Klopp must not see him as tall, physical and fast enough for us.

On the other hand, if we are broke and don’t get a good price out of him next summer… who knows… stranger things have happened before.

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Wilson definitely won’t be here next season. If he is, as in if he is the reinforcement for the forward line, then I’ll start to agree with the “FSG Out” crowd.

Maybe just the fact he is playing for Cardiff but he is like the new Peter Whittingham. Really talented midfielder whose not quite a central player and not quite a winger, has great technique and set piece ability but not the all around game to reach the top level.


Good comparison, yeah.

Wasn’t Jürgen’s main problem with him that he didn’t have enough to his all-round game? I remember comments being that we knew what he could bring in terms of the attacking sense, but that you need a lot more than that to play for Liverpool.

Serious question: is there any ‘FSG Out’ crowd at all among Liverpool fans? I’d be stunned if there was one.

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Yeah there absolutely is. How large it is in reality I don’t know but the sect exists.