Losing the midriff "wobble" or the TAN diet/exercise thread

The walk from home tot he pub is 5 minutes. The walk from the pub home is 25 minutes - the difference is staggering :wink:

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My lad is 17 and very fit. He works out every day and challenged me to get fitter. I am three weeks into his challenge, and feel so much better for it.

I haven’t had any alcohol either. That was a habit creeping up on me - glass of wine at home, or g&t, or bourbon or whatever, but before you know it you find yourself drinking every day, so I took a break, just to be in control of that.

I will eat more than usual and have a drink over Thanksgiving, sort of as an inbuilt break, but I will still exercise and keep moving.

Basically an hour a day, but split into two 30 minute sections, before and after work. First session is usually 15 min stretching and 15 minute kettle bells then the second session is 30 mins on the concept rower, doing intervals as stamina allows, but finishing the 30 mins at a decent pace each time regardless.

I feel much better for it, even after 3 weeks of this new regimen.

There has been the odd day where I just didn’t have the time to do both workouts, but I do one or the other even on those days.

I suspect the new normal will turn into 5 full and 2 half workouts in a week, and I will allow myself a drink on the two days as well.


Started brisk walking a good two weeks ago. About 12 km in 2 hours types.

Slowly incorporating running , did about a 2km run after a 6km walk today. Didn’t feel out of breath.

Will take some time for me to get back to running 5km in 25. Not even sure I’d want to even go for that. Let alone start training again for the half marathon.

I get that I’m supposed to keep challenging to get better times but for the life of me , can’t seem to find the motivation

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First run today for quite some time.
Ran around my golf course, as it’s closed Sundays to make it at least a bit less boring.
Started at the first tee and finished at the 18th green.
6.09 km in 44 minutes.
Struggled a bit and walked sections, but enjoyed it.


On the running bit.

Did a 6.5km run in 40 min today. The slog begins again.

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That’s still decent in my book. Not sure I could do that.

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It’s a start. Slow if you consider that I was doing 10k in 50 min during the half marathon training

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Did a 9.5km run in 62 minutes.

Damn I’ve become so slow. Comparing these times to my past times just doesn’t seem to work

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Shouldn’t take you long to get back there I would think.

I spent 35 minutes in a treadmill this morning. 4.7 km I think it was. It wasn’t a run where I pushed it hard, preferring to concentrate on maintaining a constant pace for that entire duration.

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just getting back into running after knee problems over the last few months,

3.5 miles in 29 mins 23 secs

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What kind of Golf course is closed Sunday’s?

BTW good effort

The Old Course.


You live next to the old course? You lucky bugger

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We have 6 other courses to choose from on a Sunday

Soup, pate, salad, roast beef, desert and cheese?

You cheeky git :rofl:

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Guinness, then 5 more

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Used to be an avid golfer but got the chipping yips and stopped playing, St Andrews would have been a dream place to live

A friend af mine who is a 2.3 handicapper played the old course with a caddy and told me it is not a course for a 20 handicapper.

There are much better courses for someone with your ability and for much less then the £250 without caddie they will charge you.

The Old Course is not even the second hardest course in the town

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