Losing the midriff "wobble" or the TAN diet/exercise thread

I take your word for it because as a 20 handicapper I stay away from courses like that. :mx_claus:

Why is leg day so bloody brutal?

Trained Friday lunch time and despite two decent walks to get things moving I’m still moving like below

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the empire strikes back at at walker GIF by Star Wars


I’ve gained 20 pounds and need to start running again. In my hey day, I used to run 35 to 40 miles a week.

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The key? Have more than one leg day per week. It works

Well I’m still not walking right. Did myself in properly this time it seems. I will try again on Friday.

Not sure I could make it work doing two leg sessions a week, I’d be losing out on something else.

Try to go lighter on your first session next week and do the second one two days apart. Slowly build up the load/intensity.

Cheers. I’m not working particularly heavy as I’m concentrating more on form and really getting deep with the squatting and leg press type exercises.

It’s always the calf exercises that do me in properly though. 45 minutes on a rowing machine this morning hasn’t loosened then up yet.

Enjoying the workouts so far. Starting to see a bit more definition in my legs, especially in the quads and calves. Endurance steadily improving. Able to go at a steady pace for 45 mins. Also think I’m starting to get callouses on my ass…

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I loathe seats on rowing machines. Kind of difficult to adjust a 30 strokes a minute.

I genuinely don’t know how people do this. I know this is how people use Rowers but I just cannot do it. As a runner I have a lifetime mile PR of 4:15 and even now could do a 5:30, yet put me on a rower and I’m wrecked in 3-4 mins even going at an easy pace. I dont run anymore because of hip pain so am always looking for alternative forms of cardio I can push but without the impact and so periodically decide the rower should be it, but it just destroys me. Everytime.

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I sold my Rowerg after about a year. Got bored with it and I had reached the point of diminishing returns.

I thought about getting some padding but I’ve gotten used to it now, although had some soreness around the sit bones in the first couple weeks.
Oof, at 30 s/m I’d be in the same boat (no pun intended) as @Limiescouse . Chugging along at 26 s/m atm in week 8.

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I had tried and failed to stick to the monotony of ss cardio in the past but finally made a habit of it in the last 1 and a half years. I reached a point where I had to make a change or suffer long term health issues. Watching my diabetic father (had also barely survived a major heart attack in 2006) slowly trying eat himself to death has been extra motivation not to wind up like him.


I’ve honestly no idea if the pace I’m going at is good, bad or average to be honest. That stroke rate feels natural to me but I’ve also got some headroom to increase both the power and pace if necessary.

The 45 minutes I did the other day I covered 9000m going by the readout on it. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if despite the lower stroke rate your distance covered is higher.

Feels very weird talking about stroke rates on an internet forum.

Not quite. Was at 8500m in about 42-43 mins most recently. But yeah, was focusing on drive strength rather than strokes for a change.

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Just had an hours jog. Started trying to keep up with some random jogger who overtook me and then both the times and the jogging got easier…

The body does play tricks when you’re restarting jog trying to tell you it’s tough but it’s incredible how much easier the jogging gets if you get your running stride length / gait better)


I’ve actually found a love for running now I can run without my legs burning after 2 minutes.

Just sticking to 5ks at the moment, as I’m worried about getting injured, but I always want to go much further.

How long should it take to train for a half marathon? 3-4 months?

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depends on your lifestyle.

less bevy, more healthy is a good start

wish i did this when i started running,

proper fitted running trainers are also a must!

To finish just finish it and not feel destroyed afterwards? 6-10 weeks is plenty. This is a basic but well detailed 14 week plan from Nike that is a bit more focused on doing it with an improved performance.

It doesn’t need to be that long or that regimented though to just get you to be able to comfortable finish a half without killing yourself. Just get in the miles during the week, making sure the easy stuff is actually easy and you gradually push the distance/time of the “long” run each week.