Losing the midriff "wobble" or the TAN diet/exercise thread

Just passed a bit over a year of maintaining sub 75kg (@ 6 feet). Had the goal of of staying under 70 at some point but didn’t feel like completely depriving myself. Had a pretty horrid year so glad to power through it without falling back into self-destructive habits.

Strength training coming along as well. Very tentatively increasing resistance because of past muscle issues. Only been at it since December but probably in the best shape of my life (not saying much but fuck it, I’m taking that as a win). Long term goal is to stay under 75 and put on a maintainable amount of muscle mass. Lots of loose skin left (shedding 55kg in 15 months tends to have that effect) to fill out with something other than fat, then wanna get the surgery to snip off what’s left of the loose skin. Should probably do a consultation at some point. I’ve heard the anyone worth their salt wants to see you maintain a certain weight for at least a year or two after meeting them before they put you under the knife.


Wow! Well done! :+1:

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Thanks mate.
Apparently 80+% people that lose 10% of their body weight or more end up regaining all the weight, and less than 1% keep it off. So only the beginning of the journey.

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Best of luck! I always lose weight and then put it back on, so I know how difficult it is to keep the weight off.

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It’s the eternal and oldest issue with weight loss, you just turn into a yoyo. Buy shares in a gym in December then sell them in February for entirely obvious reasons. I’m currently wearing a belt I’ve had for about 20 years. I was pleased as punch when I literally had to punch a new hole in it when I lost the bulk a few years ago. I’m now much fitter (bar the broken heel) and more toned but back up a notch on the belt. I wander up and down the scale a little but the fundamental change of diet (don’t eat bread!!!) and regular football have worked wonders It has to be said for my fitness, not my football :joy:


Just been playing indoor footy and one of the lads did the same and lost 55kgs. He has just posted an old photo in our chat group and honestly I wouldn’t have recognised him.

You both are champions in my eyes, he is winning his fight against his demons, alchohol, through playing footy


That’s a great accomplishment. You can be very proud of that @ShadesOfRed

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Been there more than a few times. Most drastic was going from ~100 to 86 then gaining it all back and going from 130 to 100 then gaining most of it back.

It’s not all bad news though. After losing weight his time I’ve found it easier to keep it off. Even after having a bad week or two, where I might have eaten a bit more than I should have or traveled a lot and didn’t get as much exercise as I would have, just going back to my regular routine sees my weight go back to it’s new “normal”. I don’t even really do anything more to make up for the one/two bad week. Re-adjusted metabolic rate perhaps?

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Bad news for me. Water it is then.

New mojo has arrived with a new Garmin watch.

I’ve cut down on weight training and trying to do more cardio. Looking at following the garmin training plans but they ask for 5 days a week running. Not there with that and not sure I’ll ever be.

Lots of treadmill runs this Winter I think trying to build it all up. A bit apprehensive and excited of what the long runs, threshold runs and peak runs will be.

After about 18 months I can now actually run round a 5 a side pitch for 2 hours. 2 broken feet haven’t helped but I’m now lighter, stronger, trimmer and loving football. Sod the gym, go play football. After all, that’s why we’re here.

And the best thing is I’m still shite :joy:


No choice really. I’d be far happier surfing, kite surfing every day but the winds and waves dont play ball every day and fitting it round work in Winter is also difficult so I’m left to 6am workouts with the odd one after work maybe. And with my kidney issues, rest is equally important to the actual work. Frustrating as fuck.

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