Mohamed SALAH: 2020/21

Can understand why Mané is out of form. He had to carry club and country on his back while Salah was on Corona vacation.

He isn’t exhausted, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be out of form. Form often reflects a player’s mental rather than physical state. He has been good for us for many years and I think we should be supportive when he isn’t delivering for few games.

Yes, every time I think today he has to step it up and then he disappoints. He runs for every ball helps in midfield and defence but that extra little bit is…

Hopes he has it against Wolves.


Hmm I thought Jota was very poor, not sure if it was fatigue or not but his first touch was akin to Dirk Kuyt… He had 2 lovely moments where he would have been through on goal but he spooned it about 10 yards.

Thought the front 3 were poor, Bobby was ok when he came on. We are just going to have to accept this until they get a decent break (We should get a couple of weeks in Jan when the FA cup is).

Salah just doesn’t seem at the races though, his touch was as bad as Jota’s. Mane as others have eluded to has played so many minutes he just is on fumes… Can’t say that about Salah.

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For me Salah hasn’t shown good form for a while however he is trying hard (perhaps too hard?).
Mané was up against a defender who had already shown he had his number in the previous tie anyone expecting fireworks should rethink. It was the most interesting battle on the field and as usual mané didn’t give an inch.
Jota is nice and lively the only thing i can say that is unimpressive is on occassion he pushes the ball too far infront of himself (that’s not much to complain about). He has a reputation of beingselfish however many times he recieves the ball he looks where his partners are before deciding what to do, that is good.
As for Firmino he’s a long way behind the others at the moment. Perhaps his next games are from the bench where he can take advantage of the opposition fatigue?

I dunno he seemed to control it better than the other two, but then again the other two probably stuck out more because they lost it more.

To be fair he should have been played through twice yesterday and both times the wrong pass was made, we got too much like the old Arsenal by trying to pass it in the net, the only time someone actually shot when they should we hit the post and neco scuffed it.

You really seem to be pushing an agenda against Salah seemingly on Mane’s behalf. Why?

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Who should have been played through twice? (Salah, Mané, Jota or Firmino?).

Of all people you should be able to understand that.
Yes it is ugly playing one player against another however we get sucked into it anyway. It would be so nice if we could keep it to the merits of individual players but hey it wouldn’t be such fun would it?

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Tbh all 3 were shit.

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We don’t have to compare, because they also play differently, but we can to a certain extent if we want. A not in top form Mane still manages to keep possession, win duels, work defensively (it’s just different in out balance, Salah has more freedom, he’s our goalscorer), etc. That’s post 2018/2019 Mane, before, it was different also with him. But Salah last night… boy, he was terrible. Apart from that brilliant piece of action when Bobby was put through on goal, it seemed like absolutely nothing came off. It’s like he missed a few games, missed a few goals and went back to forcing it too much rather than relax, play with others and it will come. Think he got the lowest rating from most sites I looked at after the game.


I though both Salah and Mane were excellent last night to the point where they get their shot away or that killer last pass. That’s when it fell apart, and my worry about our whole front line. Jota aside, none have the ruthless, clinical edge we need right now. We are going to be depleted in defence for the season, and it’s important that when they get a chance they take it.


My view is that any drop in form within the side is easily explained this season by the constant changes in personel arising from the injury list.

It gest difficult as a front player when the players behind you are rotating as often as our midfield are. That also goes with the fullbacks.

I’m really taking a step back from being critical of any of our players this season given the circumstances. Unless of course they do something really stupid.


Yes all 3 didn’t have the best games, but at least we had very promising attacks where the 1st touch, last touch or pass let us down, however, against Atalanta & less so Brighton we didnt make nowhere near the opportunities.

They all will come good and we will trounce a few teams

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Seems Salah has been reading here? :stuck_out_tongue:


He might have the Cat Protection League after him soon, judging by that photo.


Egyptians and cats, maybe a stereotype, but that’s a good match.


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Against Wolves, the 28-year-old found the net once again for his ninth top-flight goal of the campaign – and in doing so he has matched Ronaldo’s total of 84 Premier League goals, but in 65 fewer games.

The former Man United man netted 84 in 196 appearances across six seasons as opposed to Salah’s 131 games, and it is a haul which exemplifies the No. 11’s remarkable ability in front of goal.

One season wonder, they said :sunglasses:
One-trick pony, they said :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


And Mo isn’t first choice for set pieces, unlike Thornton Heath.