Mohamed SALAH: 2020/21


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Weā€™ve been having this for several years now.

ā€œMoā€™s former team mateā€ probably someone he vaguely knows nowadays.

Surprised we havenā€™t seen a Mane rumour, oddly enough this comes on the back of decent performances.

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exactly thisā€¦ Mo has been putting himself in the display window for the last two seasons if rumours are to be believed. I have no issues with him leaving as we need a refresh anyway as our guys are closer to 30

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If it isnā€™t Dejan, itā€™s shit :sunglasses:


I donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with Salah expressing his disappointment over the armband being given to TAA. He is the captain of his county, he was the most senior player to start and his contributions in the years he has been at Liverpool are second to none.

That said, I donā€™t see what other sources of frustration are there for him either. Playing in a world class team for a world class manager? Scoring goals for fun? Winning titles and Ch. Leagues each year? Being revered by the fans? Or being one of the highest paid members of the squad?

Maybe he feels underappreciated, in which case Iā€™d say that his ego is starting to get too big for his own good. Or more likely this is just more shit-stirring because thatā€™s what the media do.


Not a big deal. These things happen. Itā€™s part of the natural order. I suspect that he also doesnā€™t realise the significant part Klopp and this team culture have played in his success. Coutinho didnā€™t realise it either.


Iā€™d hate to see him leave but accept itā€™s entirely possible. Weā€™ll probably have an idea next summer when he is likely to be offered a new contract. He will either sign it or be made ā€˜availableā€™ for transfer. (I see zero chance of him being allowed to run his contract down.)

If he signs , great. If he doesnā€™t , then he gets sold and we have Ā£100m + to replace him. Mbappe anyone ?


He is disappointed he didnā€™t get the armband v a pub team in a dead rubber match?
Complete made up bollocks.
I have no issue with anyone leaving if they dont want to be here.
He only has to look at Countinho who career stalled for 2 years after he thought he was better than Lfc.
He only luckily won the CL buy leaving the club he faked injuries to join and even Bayern didnā€™t sign him.

If heā€™s feeling underappreciated at Liverpool, then I fear for the rest of football players in the league. Heā€™s simply adored, though I do have a feeling that Liverpool players arenā€™t rated as highly as they should be outside of the club - which I couldnā€™t care less about, to be honest.

I suspect this is more media shenanigans, misquoting someone, the intention being to rock the boat at LFC, because theyā€™re worried. They donā€™t want us to win the league again and theyā€™ll do anything to derail our season.


Has anyone actually read the BOMBSHELL Mo has ROCKED the club with?

Barca and Real and great clubs and who knows what can happen in the future? Right now my focus is Liverpool

Christ, I bet the club are reeling.


Yeah was thinking back to an exchange we had when Jota came in. Salah or Mane, one of them is gone at the end of the season, just a case of which one. There does look to be some real tension between them too. I hope and believe that Edwards and Klopp are way more savvy than one player and this will herald the incoming you know who, I mean how else would we pay for it?

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Had it not been for covid I wouldnā€™t have been surprised to see him leave in the summer. Next year is fairly likely though because he either signs a new deal or heā€™s sold, I canā€™t see the club wanting to let Moā€™s contract go to dormie 1.

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Simple no context, no explanation, happy photo posted as all this ā€œunhappy Salahā€ stuff comes out. Pure coincidence Iā€™m sure.


Yeahā€¦ But thatā€™s so obviously a hotel room in Madrid or Barcelona.


Isnā€™t Mo supposed to stay in his bubble and there are no flights now? :thinking:

Mo is trending all over Twitterati right now.


What does that mean? I donā€™t do Twitter or Facebook

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They are trying to create rumours that Mo is interested in moving to Real Madrid or Barcelona, based on that interview and Daily Mail thinks he should leave as he has achieved all he can and he is 28 years old.

Now, he won the fans player of the year award