Mohamed SALAH: 2020/21

Should have had 2, brilliant, assists last night. Pin point balls.

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Firmino has been fucking garbage, and yet he still plays full matches most of the time.

I agree that Mane also has poor form as well, yet this fact has been going unnoticed for a long time.

They have owners who would love him. From a similar region. They would definitely be mad for him if available. Think with this virus and how the market is , I think if Coty were the only team giving a value worthy of Salah , Liverpool might be convinced

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I donā€™t think we can go three at the back with on two fit centre backs.

No idea what that tweet was. But just wanted to say that the majority of ā€œfootball agentsā€ are slimy and only see the player as a cash cow. Pretending they have the player at heart.

Transfers gets the agent big money. New deals similar effect (not as large in most cases). Stir up transfer rumours to get club to do a Ridsdale and double the wages, etc, etc.

Better off not paying any attention to agents. Once saw a tweet from Bobby Duncanā€™s (remember him?) agent Saif Rubie. Cringe does not justify it.

Limited? Hyperbole


It was literally just blank except for a single full stop. He was probably as speechless as everybody else was.

Ah yes. Some word class passes yesterday.

Should have been put away. Easy to score.

Unfortunately his team mates are crap.

That makes it even more likely weā€™ll play 3 at the back. The defenders on the side of the 3 donā€™t need to be ā€˜traditionalā€™ centre backs.

When Klopp played 3 at the back away at Brighton years ago it was because we only had 1 fit defender.


Even if Phillips and Davies are out a while (jumping to conclusions) weā€™ve got Kabak and Rhys Williams to play either side of Fabinho. And as you say in that game it was Can and Wijnaldum dropping back to be the LCB and RCB in the 3.

Iā€™d say horrifically out of form and going up against defences that have learnt how to set up to effectively neutralise them. Still top players but less and less convinced theyā€™ll get to show that here again.


Wrote it before. Itā€™s embarrassing.

We lose. We have a bad game. You put out some statistics and highlight clips and try to make Salah look much better than the rest.

Trying to distract from the fact that the manager took him off because he was not happy with him.

You disagree heā€™s our most likely player to score? Or that heā€™s recently been given a role that impacts that ability to score and heā€™s not that good a fit for? Or do you disagree Mane and Firmino are in bad form? Youā€™re having a pop at my posts but I donā€™t actually understand what you disagree with in them. Oh shame on me being supportive of our best attacker.

You would also put a full stop at the end of things.
He was being vague for reasons of interest to him and Salah.

Or youā€™re reading too much into it. It was within 4 minutes of the sub, not like its some planned strategy to let people know Salah has given him the go ahead to feel out clubs. To me it just seemed to be a way of saying speechless. Like pretty much everyone commenting on the game was.

My point was, and still isā€¦ he has purposely put something out there that has been left for interpretation. As we are both fans of LFC, it can be understandable if our opinions differ, which they obviously haveā€¦ BUT, as it was his agent, and the person that placed the statementā€¦ my interpretation has taken this into account. Why else do such a thing if not to remind everyone that Salah is a commodity to be bought and sold!

An agent at that level doesnā€™t have to put something abstract on twitter. Heā€™s free to talk to your PSGs and Real Madrids whenever he wants. You try and prove its been about Salah! Youā€™re just reading too much into this.

Yes maybe ARDā€¦ why didnā€™t he put a comma then instead.!
For all we know, he has already talked to the PSGā€™s and Real Madridā€™s, now he needs to use his tactic of unsettling the player/fans/managementā€¦!
Hard to say it, but I think Salah has run his race for LFCā€¦
Too many defenders and alehouse teams of the premiership have got the measure of himā€¦!

Theyā€™re not being very successful at it then. Still top scorer for the league despite how horrifically we are performing and the rest of the team are doing. Spent most of last night playing as a wing back and still put it on a plate twice with what should have been incredible assists. Can literally not believe those didnā€™t result in goals.

I fully get the Love Fest you have for Salah ARD, I really doā€¦ You should write his CV.
But he is far from the superstar you making him out to beā€¦
Everyone and everything has a shelf life, I feel he is/has come to the end of his at LFC tenureā€¦
Not slagging the guy offā€¦ just think he has gotten stale in the role he is expected to play under Jurgen is all
You should apply for your season ticket now for PSG or Real Madrid if you want to keep supporting him me thinksā€¦ for that is where he will be sooner rather than later!

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Never understood why there is so much resistance to Salah and Salah love in our fan base. Suarez had one world class season, had bite gate, Arsenal gate, the Evra thing and always 100% committed support and love fest. Salah has performed at ridiculous levels setting all kinds of records for us and the league but because I talk nice about him Iā€™m advised to go support another club that heā€™ll apparently be leaving to. I actually think Salah is the most likely of the front 3 to stay. Especially if we donā€™t make CL.