Mohamed SALAH: 2020/21

Your fucking joking right, Williams, Phillips and Kabak!

No comment on Salah, but Suarez had two world class seasons here. He was exceptional in 12/13 too in a team devoid of attacking quality until Coutinho and Sturridge were signed in Jan.

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Salah was ineffectual but when ManƩ moved over he was even more ineffectual. We should get that Rudiger bloke even if he is a wanker.
I didnā€™t understand Salah coming off ok he was struggling during our attacks and had made a lot of defesive errors loseing his concentration often however heā€™s not there to protect TAA so the question is where were Gini and Thiago?
I still feel Bobby is the one blunting us the most even if he was more involved against Chelsea than in other recent matches (doesnā€™t that just say it all). Get him off for Jota and then see what ManĆ© and Salah can do. Klopp imo has blind spots and itā€™s doing us no favors atm.

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Firmino is increasingly becoming pre-Klopp Firmino - we all know how crap he was during Rodgerā€™s final months (partly because he did not fit Rodgerā€™s football and Rodger could not use him).

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ARDā€¦ Salah has had me jumping from my seat many many times with his goal-scoring exploits, the guy has been a phenomenal signing for usā€¦ In these days of dark transition going from good to bad and hopefully not any worse, we have to take our blinkers off when analysing our players to discover the remedy to our poor formā€¦ Sometimes instead of looking at the goals a guy has scored, take a look at the goals he should have scored! From one on one misses against the keeper, sitters squandered, shoots instead of playing killer passā€¦ etc etc
There are plenty of these games when a goal scored, instead of a goal missed would have brought different end results to the matchesā€¦ West Brom, Brighton, Newcastleā€™s etc
Momentum gets disrupted, form begins to suffer, confidence starts to plummet and so onā€¦
I still blame Adrian for losing us the game against AMā€¦ but how many sitters did we miss before thatā€¦
For the style of play under Jurgen at the moment, I honestly believe Salah is too easily marked out of the gameā€¦ Teams and yard -dog managers have become savvy to our forward playā€¦ European games at the moment, not so much.
Some say we need to change tactics, fair enough, some say we need to change personnelā€¦!
Souness was my favourite player at LFCā€¦
but he was also the worst manger ever, times move on and we adapt. Either way you have to call it as you see it.
We are running into brick walls on a game by game basisā€¦
The fact that Salah shook his head last night, when Jurgen needs everyone to man the pumps to our sinking ship of formā€¦ Is unforgivable in my opinionā€¦ For his smarmy agent to attempt to disrupt what harmony we still hold onto in the club, is again, unforgivable in my opinionā€¦!

I wish to fucking god we had gone for him in the summer instead of Thiago.

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OK so by that measure Salah has been world class every season heā€™s been here. Yet still thereā€™s just so much heat and resistance to accepting that fact.

So let me get this straight. Its not the fault of the players who play bad and seem to almost never contribute to goals its the fault of the one guy still scoring because he doesnā€™t score every single time?

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Weā€™ve been here before ARD, I donā€™t know why you constantly bring Suarez up to praise Salah.

Salahā€™s a great player, and does get underappreciated at times, but heā€™s not as good as Suarez IMO. If you disagree, thatā€™s fine, but donā€™t get annoyed that anothers think differently, itā€™s not an outrageous opinion.


I was using Suarez as a player universally backed by the fan base (despite some issues) in a way Salah doesnā€™t get. You could use Torres if you prefer who was a phenomenal CF but a bit short of the other two.

HaHaā€¦ you are a one-off ARDā€¦!
and around and around we go againā€¦
As a final pointā€¦ Your loyalty to Salah is commendable!

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Heā€™s on his way to his 3rd golden boot in 4 years. Iā€™m just so confused why I seem to be unusual.

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@AnfieldRdDreamer can you not just change your name to Salahā€™s Mum? :wink: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


But a real helicopter mum :see_no_evil:


The thing is with Salah I doubt anyone bar City or PSG can afford him come this summer, and I doubt he sees either as an attractive option.

I think Salah is one of our greatest players, he is in a bit of a slump through burn out but his goal scoring record is 2nd to none. Iā€™d much rather Bobby left before him.

An interesting take would be say Real/Barca did want him but the only way we can do is a swap deal would anyone do that?


I would straight swap him for Dembele + Coutinhoā€¦!

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Then you clearly donā€™t appreciate just how good Salah is. Heā€™s one of the top scorers the Premier League has ever seen. Coutinho has dropped off loads and had injury issues but even at his best didnā€™t come near the quality and consistency Salah shows. Dembelle is a good player with a ton of unrealised potential but would be another injury prone players. Theyā€™d probably cost less than Ā£100m combined to get off Barca this summer. Salah is worth at least Ā£150m.


too right and ARD is correct to defend him (just does it too much), he gets flak imo mainly because of his extraordinary 1st season with us and now heā€™s in a slump as you say. The potential of Salah and ManĆ© is still there. You can actually see their body language change game in game out it looks to me as if ManĆ© is going through a real bad time at the moment and Salah is really exasperated. Theyā€™ll pull through it, itā€™s Firmino that worries me, he has become useless and his body language doesnā€™t give any indication heā€™s prepared to work out of it.


Yip, the combo of those two will play 30% of Moā€™s total games, and cost double in wages.


If I looked at our issues Salah would be low down on the list.