Mohamed SALAH: 2021/22

£1B over 5 years for anyone wanting to even get their foot in the door, and if it’s Barca or R.M then a Edwards ‘fuck off and anoy some other bastard’ no approach for our players for 15 years or it will cost you £150M tax on top of the transfer fee

Fixed it for you!

Shall we all pool together and make a bid? The shirt can be kept permanently at my house for safe keeping.

…The shirt can be kept permanently at my house for safe keeping…

No No No GIF

Pay Me GIF by Bank Cler

Wonder how much the shirt will go for

They can make all the doe eyed glances they want. They’re a fucking shambles, they haven’t a pot to piss in, and they are miles off competing for anything.

I suspect Mo and his advisors are fully aware that if he is looking to claim his place as the best footballer in the planet, Barca are not a platform for him.


For me the only potential 2 places he goes from us are

Madrid or PSG.

My worry is what PSG do when they lose Mbappe in 6 months. They’ll need to make a hell of a signing to appease their support and just generally to stoke their own egos.

If they come in with 150 for Mo, in what will be the last year of his contract (unless he re-signs, and if he hasn’t by the summer then he isn’t going to) then I think it might be the best option to let him go for 150 rather than 0 the summer after.

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Ye I don’t see Bayern as being super star enough


If Mo gets into the last 12 months, clubs will make offers, but I can’t see Bayern being able to match the sort of bids PSG, Madrid or Shity can offer.

Bayern would only come into the equation if Mo leaves on a free in 2 years

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That’s when I think Juventus and Barca will too. That’s actually when I’m most fearful. Salah is going to be incredibly hard to replace, we really lucked out as he wasn’t even first choice target when bought. Nobody could foresee just how amazing he’d become. No other transfer of ours (as good as the rest have been) has come close. So to expect to repeat that magic is unlikely. And that job gets so much harder if we lose him for nothing and have to look for a replacement within the Jota level price range.

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I present you with one L. Messi.

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If we signed Messi and him Mo ripped it up for 12 months with Messi being brilliant but Mo being better, and then we sold Mo would you be ok with that.

I wouldn’t.

It’s the same for PSG and Mbappe


And, just like Messi, his legacy will be tarnished by never winning the World Cup.

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Nobody could win a World Cup with Egypt!

He was getting a bit jittery after not scoring in the last few games. So happy that he got that monkey off his back. Welcome back Mo.

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Was unplayable yesterday and I don’t mean that in the sense that everything he did came off but in the utterly relentless manner of his play. No matter how many times they thought they’d seen him off he’d get on the ball again and just run at them again and again getting past people again and again and just generally causing havoc and panic in that Arse defence. A team can only put up with that for so long until it costs them. The Arse LCB and LB must still be shaking and having flashbacks.


Should have had a penalty too.