Mohamed SALAH: 2021/22

And if Mo is demanding 300k pay rise he can fuck off.

I’d say he goes to top earner at the club alongside VVD but we don’t break the wage structure

You cannot blame Mo if that’s the current football economy for his skill level. Not saying it’s right or wrong, this is the world we live in.

Consider in your own personal context, in your line of work. Would you not dream to be at the highest level of income if you are one of the best to do what you do, and others are making top level?


Salah thread ‘exploding’ but no sign of my favorite frenemy @AnfieldRdDreamer

Hope he shows up soon, or not :grimacing:

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If the reports are true about star forward we going to have to be proactive .wijnaldum and Can will obviously not happen here, I’m not sure if mbappe is even as good as Salah but for me if PSG and salah come together plus 20 Mill on top or lose mbappe in the summer then try to buy salah in the summer for such and such.
Opportunity for all?

I would assume it’s probably a package of 500k, considering he is probably not far off with incentives that would make sense

Can’t see us guaranteeing more than 300k upfront especially as any extension will take him to 34 potentially

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Are there reliable reports on this before we all jump the gun and start wishing for Mo to fck off?


With or without bonus i am not seeing a Liverpool player earning £500k a week in the next 6 years.

Nobody knows shit about our players, that’s what I’ve come to realise in recent years…


Last time I checked, negotiating meant you shoot for more than you want to ensure you end up satisfied.


In my line of work I wouldn’t ask for or expect a 150% pay rise. :man_shrugging:t2:

I’m not sure who else is on 500k per week either

It probably is bollocks.

But - let’s wait and see what happens.
If this was just Mo I’d be thinking Nah - but we all know his agent has proven to be a complete cunt before in the past so let’s wait and see


Anyhow he is playing in the Gabon match however Gabon is Amber should be back in a day or so as they don’t play again.

Ok, a couple things…

1.) That wasn’t my point. You would want to be paid the as the best in the world if you were best at your craft and the economy of your work supported such income.

2.) Please confirm where Mo (or any of his representatives) is asking 500k per week.

This is all bullshit media driven and I refuse to allow this rumor to keep perpetuating without it being properly sourced. I will continue to call bullshit, and shame on any Liverpool fan that believes it or posts/presents it as fact.

Until anyone can confirm it’s come from Mo’s camp, stop pushing forward as fact.

EDIT: I’ll one up all the social media dipshit rumor mongers…

If people want to believe this of Mo, then I can just as easily believe this nonsense has been planted by the club to get the fans on “their side” for when they inevitably won’t pay him and transfer him out.

See how dangerous that game of unsubstantiated horseshit can be?

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If Jadon Bumcho is making 400k/wk, Mo Salah deserves double that.

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Usual hoax headline to generate all the emotional responses. Job done well by the press again.

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Sorry if this have been talked about in a different thread, but where does the site Spotrac get their wage information from? I have seen it mentioned here it is far from accurate and I was curious where they get those figures.

Of course this Tweet is from Echo, but at least somewhat trying to be responsible.


No, it just means United are stupid.


Ye I 100% agree with you.

You’ll notice my post say “if this is the situation….” Etc etc

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Mo is in the top 5 players in the world. His salary with us is probably more in the top 20 to 30 bracket. Playing for Liverpool means more than just the salary though, that’s why he has stayed with us for long. If he was a Pogba type of personality, he would’ve left after the Madrid CL final loss, and signed for a club paying him a top 5 in the world salary.

He has shown that he is CONSISTENTLY world class, so his new contract would be much higher (though not Man U style breaking wage structure). He will be paid handsomely though playing for us would mean earning MUCH less than he could get from elsewhere (and of course money isn’t the only reasons, diff playing style, family, age, career development, etc come into the picture).

Over the years, I have heard/read many of our ex-players side of the story and the side put out by the powers that be at Liverpool. Contract negotiations and transfers are a dog eat dog world, where both parties at times do the dirty. Both sides at times play the media. It’s just the way it is.

From the outside looking in, my take is that Mo is a genuine superstar footballer, has the numbers to back that up, is the utmost professional (and VERY IMPORTANTLY is a decent human off the field - just look at the mess at Man Shitty).