Mohamed SALAH: 2023/24

All the big players that moved in the last 1-2 years are still there (& no I don’t include Hendo in that)

That’s ok, we’ll accept whatever they’re prepared to offer. £5m? Ok, get him gone.

The overall Saudi football ‘project’ is light years away from a more serious league. If Salah wants to play at the highest level he can, he is miles better than the Saudi league.

There are signs that they might be tightening the purse strings a bit, but if Mo goes there, he will be an exception to the rule, as he is more of a jewel in the crown. I would be shocked if it was for less than 100M.

Salah has declined physically - we see some loss of pace and strength. At the same time, we can’t run with that to the extremes, as even on the evidence before our eyes today, he put in a sprint on the break and ran away from the chasing West Ham pack.

My expectation is he will want to go for the Prem and CL under the new manager and then assess his options in the summer of 2025. We will see what happens!

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I think Salah might go to PSG. Loads of money, but still considerable amount of recognition.

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This is a decent shout too. Salah is also friends with their owner - a while ago they were pictured around a table at a hotel, with Salah’s agent too, I believe.

PSG wouldn’t want to offer much of a fee for Salah as they are on a tighter lead due to their own financial shenanigans. No more than 50M would be my guess.

Around that level there’s a real decision to be made, but I still think we would do it, to give the new manager a clean slate.

Scrooge Mcduck Disney GIF

I think there was analysis somewhere else that they need to be paying him something ludicrous for it to make sense for him, since playing in that shithole would mean that he loses a lot of commercial appeal and therefore sponsorship income, which makes up the bulk of his current earnings.


Yup if he goes anywhere this summer it will be PSG.

I think it would be fairer to say that if he goes anywhere it will be when his role with us is significantly reduced. So if the incoming manager says he will no longer be a first-choice, it would make sense for him to start looking elsewhere. While he is prominent with one of the biggest clubs in the world, anywhere else is a step down.

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It will be effectively see where Slot, Hughes and Edwards see it.

I’d still let him see the contract out.

It might be an unpopular idea, but I would prefer if Salah leaves this summer. I’m not just grateful for all that he has given over the last seven seasons, I still love him and every time I see him play, I wish the old Salah will break free.

But another season, I’m afraid, will be the same present Salah and I don’t want his legacy to be tarnished. He has aged. He doesn’t have the physical energy and the mental strength to keep going. Not with a bunch of fucking referees who are hell-bent to give the opposition thugs a free-hand to break his leg. Not with a bunch of cheating clubs stitching-up the results, week in, week out.

Salah is a great player, even now. But he is no Superman.


Yeah, it feels sacrilegious to even suggest such a thing after all he’s given us, but it’s starting to feel inevitable.
However, sentiment doesn’t win trophies and it may be easier for Slot to start with a clean slate.
I’ll weep for Klopp and I’ll weep for Mo too.
What a player.


I think I posted that a while ago. He earns something like 3 times what we pay him in sponsorships and that is reliant on him playing for a high profile team in a high profile league.

I don’t know if those sponsorships are related to playing hours. If they are, it may affect his outlook with a new coach. He may find that he gets more matchtime with another European club.

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Overall it was the right decision to not sell him last summer but the Africa Cup and the injury destroyed him.


I wouldn’t be so sure. It’s not the first time he’s struggled and he’s always recovered enough to make a difference.

He is 32, he is slowing down, but he is the 5th most prolific goal scorer in the history of the club. If he can still produce 20+ goal seasons, I wouldn’t want him gone. Especially since he’s virtually irreplaceable.

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It all depends on what Mo wants to do as he is under contract.

I would sell so long as the fee enabled us to sign a good player. Not because Mo isn’t good - he is, even if he has dropped a bit, but he only has a season to go before leaving on a free.

If he stays, great, we have a very good player for another year.

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Just seen on the news that Salah and Klopp had a bit of handbags on the touchline.
What was it about?

Were Real Madrid to be interested, I have to think it would be a compelling move for him. More protection from referees, slower overall pace, meaning he could 2-3 more high level seasons and a serious crack at winning things. The commercial side of the deal would of course be massive.


Mo’s ego not being able to handle the fact he’s been absolutely shite since returning from injury and he deservedly finds himself on the bench.

I think a revitalised Salah will be different next season, but we can’t get as many minutes out of him as we used to.

Bingo. He can fuck off today in my opinion. After that episode on the sideline, I don’t give a fuck if he ever wears the jersey again.

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