Moises Caicedo (DM/CM/RB) Brighton and Hove Albion

Are there ever …

If it hadn’t been for the Saudis, most of these players would be much cheaper.

At the moment the Saudis are taking the deadwood out of sides but that extra money just inflates the market.


bitch slap GIF

Wouldn’t be the first time Chelsea had tried to break up a transfer while the player was having a medical!

Man this is funny.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1689800609942081536|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Caicedo still has to agree a move with us.

I don’t think he’s doing a medical if he’s not on board with the move.

I fixed your spelling mistakes.

Has anyone credible confirmed a medical ?

Bizarrely I was up very late last night for once and managed to miss all of this until now.

Caicedo is a terrific player. That fee is eye-watering, but I think the confidence that he can immediately be a key player is there.

I find it difficult to imagine that he won’t be a more effective player than Fabinho in this team and based on the form at the end of last season, this was already a team which should have finished in the top 4.

It’s football, anything can happen, but I think this move will ensure a top 4 finish this year. Minimum.


Get the babelcopter to London ASAP!!

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Is there someone stalking private flights from London to Liverpool ?

I’m using this once this deal is confirmed.

Probably weighted 60:40 in favour of exploding United fans.

I live in Shirley, so I see choppers and jets out of Biggin Hill all the time.

A G5 just flew past in a northerly direction.

We can all rest easy.


I never wanted him anyway.

Lmao that is the second fastest post I’ve seen…felt like barely a second went past before you replied.

And for confirmation, fastest posting that we can all agree with is German red who tells us the score and scorer before they actually happen.

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