Moises Caicedo (DM/CM/RB) Brighton and Hove Albion

Wasn’t able to read all the posts in this thread and this might have been said already…

Player agreed terms with Arsenal in January, was ready to force through a move and posted something on social media.
Then he went on to extend his contract.

Agreed terms with Chelsea - I don’t know how many times in the last two months - and now with us yesterday.

What I’m trying to say is - either he is stupid, classless or has a very bad agent.

You can kind of see why Zebri wants to get rid.


I will take ALL three for $2 @GermanRed

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This is really unfair. He justifiably has higher aspirations for himself than the club he is currently contracted to. When one bigger club tried to buy him he said yes. That didnt happen and so when the next big club tried to buy him he said yes again. It’s not like he’s Robbie Keaneing it pretending he’s had a life long ambition to play for one then the other club.

I’ve never been against mercenary players. Ones who just play for the money. As long as they put the effort in and play well, I don’t need badge kissing allegiance. Effort and performance trumps loyalty every time IMHO. A team full of Carraghers was never winning the league.

I really don’t want him anymo to be honest

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I can’t believe the flak this guy is copping because he is unsure of which way to go. I would have thought, nearly almost all of us being adults and all, we’ve probably all had several very difficult life choices we’ve had to make along the way where they could veer our life off in different directions - that could be choosing a university course, choosing a job, choosing a location to live, who to marry, which school to send your children to.

I don’t really buy into this ‘you 100% know’ BS regarding choosing Liverpool over anyone else, even with JK. I don’t expect that will go down too well here, but footballers are people that are making massive choices for a very short period of their life that will either set them up for life or potentially to follow a difficult career.

Caicedo does have a difficult decision to make. There might be very valid reasons for him to want to play for Chelsea. But let’s just wait and see.

It’s a little bit ridiculous getting emotional about a transfer not happening.


Look at Hendo, mate. There is nothing like football romanticism anymore.

Money is the single determining factor for a football player these days (and his agent). There is hardly anything else left. Maybe some smarter ones think a bit more medium term, rather than the very short term, but it doesn’t go further than that I’m afraid.

He would be heading a for a medical if that was the case now, not hanging around London hoping Chelsea can find a few more pennies.

I think there is a lure to Chelsea and Arsenal for players from Africa and South America. Part of it may be the London thing but also those clubs have both had great success with players from those areas. When I was younger, kidless and single I used to travel around quite a lot (2009-2012 basically) and you’d be surprised just how many Arsenal and Chelsea kits there are out there. Also Leeds for some strange reason.

Most of my experience is in Africa - players like Michael Essien and Didier Drogba where absolutely MASSIVE at the time - and of course Caicedo is not African but I wouldn’t be shocked if he had the same kind of influences in his childhood.

Most likely he/his agent are just chasing the highest paycheck but I can also understand if there is a bit of a childhood pull on his heart towards those clubs that were probably popular in his area growing up.

Mixture of all three based on some of the things being reported

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We are all over the place.

Nothing else to say.

This post is just to get us closer to 1000 while we wait and talk about things we don’t know and don’t control.


He’s woken up to his career path being changed for him by other parties. Lets give him maybe half a day or so leeway to get his head around it before we start calling him a cunt.

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The latest statement if true about him still been happy to join us if Chelsea dont pony up is a big twist seems to be a covering of the bases like they aren’t convinced they will.

It’s his flipping greedy agent imo, as far as i understand it. And some person of his former club wanting moooore money because of a sell on clause. Could be the same person, i already sort of lost it.


I called his agent a cnut. And he evidently seems that way.

The fact he agreed a new contract and didn’t get a release clause in like Macallister seems a pretty poor move.

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I doubt he has much of an attachment to Chelsea as a club. If Real or Barca came a-calling he’d drop them in a shot. But he is a 21-year old who has been in England for less than 2 years, living in a regional centre not far from London. Chelsea is likely a great deal more familiar for him, and he would be working under a Spanish-speaking manager. Neither of those are trivial considerations.

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Hes a young lad and will want to be entertained on his time off.London probably offers more of that for rich footballers than Liverpool does,but then how much time does he spend out at those bars/ clubs etc

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