Most disliked pundit

I think the idea on the Jota one is it so far away from the ball that it can be waved away as just an accidental coming together. Of course, we all knew it was purposeful and their strategy to take out a goal scoring option, but I think that’s why it was ignored.

But I agree with the overall point. The game is made better by refs who understand how to see when an attacker has fabricated a situation to go down and officiate accordingly. In no world should a move to get better at that, which is what this directive was supposed to be, result in being able to suplex players.


Again it’s this fear or refusal/inability to accept things not being like they were ‘back in their day’. Extremely conservative thinking.

Also, I wonder if some of the ex-players turned pundits realise they didn’t retire this summer but rather five, ten or fourty years ago. And that the game moves on without them.


Anyone remember the martial arts move on MO that cost us the CL… Of course these shithouse tactics are continuing to take place when the referees wave play on…! It will take a serious injury to someone before Riley issues a different directive.!


Oh Murphy’s rant was recent?

I thought it was when we appointed the coach, I know we threw it at the opposition before he arrived I assume he had worked on space.

It’s one area we massively improved.

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It was in response to Ings’ goal on the weekend, which came from a routine Villa had worked out with a dedicated set piece coach. The Villa manager gave credit to the coach and Murphy responded by questioning the necessity of such an appointment.


Some people might question the necessity of paying ex players very high salaries, to talk nonsense every Saturday night.


Keeps them off the streets I suppose.

Seriously though, I think for some of them it’s maybe the thing that prevents them from going full Claus Lundekvam. The former Southampton skipper who got lost in a cocaine and alcohol haze after retirement.


How ironic is it, and beside showing how much of a gobshite he is, when Murphy himself is also being paid as a specialist coach… well that’s what pundits are supposed to do… coach the viewers about the tactics of the match on view…


Fixed it for you


That’s sad. He seemed a decent player at Southampton.

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Until you remember he was the captain at Saints when they were spot-fixing games


i’ve either forgotten this or wasn’t aware it had happened…

I think they are basically shaped also by the lack of time they have to talk. They can spend hours before and after a game but in game they get 30 seconds if most on say Sky.

BBC less so but MOTD seems more action and less analysis which is probably a good thing considering.

They need these basically crap views to stay relevant, Klinsmann for all his faults was one of the best at the Euros.

Intriguing also the female pundits have been a breath of fresh air. There is something really tired about male punditry especially from this country.

Can hope that changes, I don’t think Micah Richards is any cop but he does seem to bring less of an edge or hostility to what he says.

Saying that we will probably get the likes of Ben Mee doing punditry in the future.

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Too costly with all those electronics around

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If there is one pointer to the success of Robbie Mustoe and Earle’s superb coverage in the US broadcasts, it is the reminder that top players rarely understand the game or process as well as those lesser players who had to fight to scratch out a top level career.

If you lack the natural talent of a Danny Murphy the only way you can scratch our a career at the top level is to make sure you understand the game well enough to make your limited talent stretch just far enough that you can compete. Robbie Mustoe played like he could barely kick a ball, but ended up with a career of over ten years in the Prem. That path tends to lead to far better insight into what is happening during a game and a better ability to verbalize it than a player who could just get on the ball and make things happen.


Better players tend not to have to scrape a living especially as the wages increase.

Does make me wonder who the next lot are, maybe the female punditry is more impressive at times as these players are top players but also players who need a career post playing.

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I actually tend not to like the analysis from the ex female players. I think even at the top level the game is so different that their experiences and what they learned from just do not apply. To be clear, this is not a function of them being female as I think the likes of Kate Abdo and Rebecca Lowe are superb, it’s just a function of the experiences from playing the women’s game do not translate.

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Quite, they used to say it about management too.

Klopp proved that wrong in my view though Others have done too. Even Shanks and Clough.

Brian Clough was on course to become the highest goal scorer ever in a full league programme…
Unfortunately, he broke his leg during the campaign
251 goals from 274 starts… some statistic that.!