Most disliked pundit

Well his initial point is perfectly understandable, and he clearly was referring to the Premier League, which is a men’s league as far as I know.

But still, he could have acknowledged when getting back on what he initially said, that football has also become a women’s sport these days, and that the English national team is rather good at it! :joy:

That being said, it would be ridiculous to make a big affair of this.

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Easy to say from your perspective of privilege.

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posted a response in the …ism thread to keep this part of the discussion more on track

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Isn’t Martin Tyler a massive cheesy bellend…

There you go back on track.


FIFY,now its really back on track.


@mattyhurst @Dutch @redalways

they didn’t sack carra for the spitting incident. Sacking souness for saying it’s a mans game would be ridiculous in comparison!

sky spokesman sorry spokesperson " we have repeatedly asked that our pundits stick to spitting at males and females but refrain from using age old football terms - we will not tolerate discrimination. In that respect Mr Carragher spat in the direction of both a male and a female and we find him t follow our policy perfectly. Mr Souness could learn a thing or two"


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Is there anywhere I said they should sack him, as I said I found it cringeworthy, comedy and a bit homoerotic.

I find all “man’s talk” silly as it often get “I want to bust his arse” and the like and well the connotation is amusing.

I think the face the female pundit pulled was quite amusing. This isn’t anywhere close to Andy Gray and Hairy arms keys.

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I kinda agree with everything you say . i was just pointing out that sky have a weird policy when it comes to this kind of thing. They only sack the people they want rid of in the place. IF you are an asset to the company then they will not be quick to get rid of you!

I am not offended in the slightest - i remember fowler had to apologise on the bbc for saying something about it was just a bit of handbags.

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Souness also said that the referee, one Anthony Taylor, had a fabulous game but what does he know about football compared to us on here:roll_eyes:

Apart from the hair pulling. :neutral_face:

if only he had said " the guy should get his hair cut - the big girl" :rofl:

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Comment aside, Souness needs to be retired. Gets paid a fortune to say the same fecking thing every week…
Commitment, desire, put a tackle in, back in my day… :sleeping:

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Perhaps if commitment and desire weren’t the absolute corner stones of what makes a professional athlete reach the levels that they do and the fact that when these things are absent from the performance it is what leads to poor performances - he would stop talking about it.

Same with any pundit in any sport.

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I think Souness raised a relevant and valuable counter perspective. We have a tendency to respond to perceived refereeing injustice by crying for everyone to be punished the same as one incident we think was treated unfairly. That eye for an eye approach ends with 9 vs 9. Souness provided the call to go the other way…let there be more competition and more leeway about things that go wrong so that truly problematic stuff is punished more harshly than some nitpicky shit like fabio’s yellow last night for stepping on the palace players foot (the same challenge that went unpunished against Fulham last week)

Jeeez… Listening to Steve Hunter commentary on LFC last night who I think is brilliant by the way, but he had Jay Spearing alongside him as co-commentator… OMG, Spearing’s monotone delivery is soooo boring it would send a glass eye to sleep…
Never listening to that guy ever again… never never ever.!


Bloody hell they are working Jay aren’t they :rofl:

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I like Souness and i think he should be in charge of VAR. :+1:


He is guest speaker at The Anfield Noise xmas party! Don’t be so rude! I am thrilled and anticipating this event like no other!

The other speaker will be @Livvy and she will be delivering her speech via google translator.

Well worth the £50 ticket.


How the hell did you get yours so cheap?

The best price I got was £150 off @PeachesEnRegalia


You must have the VIP package! your seat is outside and unable to hear jay spearing?