Most disliked pundit

Its amazing that he cannot see the double standards


It seems easier to mention the pundits we do like.

When you hear McManaman going on and on about the Napoli players feet being onside midweek, it make you think a lot of the pundits don’t just have shit opinions, they also don’t actually understand the game they are paid to talk about.

I like Ally McCoist and Ian Wright. If for sheer enthusiasm and that they seem to love the game, if nothing else. The rest are mostly shit.


Good ones:

Carra (not on commentary)
Neville (not on commentary)
Souness (better when on RTE)

Robbie Earle on nbc (I think its nbc) isn’t bad.

I like Richie Sadlier on RTE but I know many who cannot stand him.

Jenas is still far and away the worst co commentator and the man child that is Micah Richards is just an idiot. Still hasn’t managed to find a suit that fits him either.



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I am probably one of the few who don’t even find anything much wrong with it when I have him as a commentator on my streams. :sweat_smile:If it’s a bit of bias, and it clearly us, so f-ing what :face_with_raised_eyebrow:? In Norway we have several a bit biased commentators, it’s fine I reckon. Tyler is whatever, don’t see why he is so provocative and why ppl go on and on in match threads about him as he is clearly not an imbecile. He is old fashinoned and supports a team and often it shows, okay. I don’t care really.

Martin Keown, obnoxious redhead I no longer remember the name of who used to write in the Daily Mail and most of all, Paul Merson are stil by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar the worst.

I will periodically rerturn to this every 6 months or so just to say that Paul Merson is the worst. Idiots are always the worst (and because I really care about these 3 critters being the worst and periodically re-telling it to people to ingrain it as absolute truth) ! :rofl:

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Always liked Kam, never took himself seriously but didn’t have an edge or agenda, feels so many pundits do.

I think Ian Wright had that but he has mellowed and though his insights are bog standard you like to welcome him into your home.

Some pundits need to realise that, their views are generally shit so chill a bit.


Yes, it was Kam and Jeff Stelling that probably made that sky footballing segment so popular.

I also think he deserves credit for dipping his toe into management.


What seems t be the case is players who were even slightly affected by the big team rivalries in their playing days take it with them into their punditry. It’s a good reason to prioritize guys like McCoist, who never played here, or Kam, players who never reached that level.

Dixon is about the only ex player I can think of who had these rivalries whose commentary isn’t ruined by it.

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“If we reach the knockout stage!”


To be honest that’s why Merson is a pundit (he shouldnt be that) and Southgate and others are managers.

Yeah let’s take a crocked player out just in case and let’s aggravate his injury even more.

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That’s Brenda Fricker, the first Oirish actress to win an Oscar. Can’t compare her to that.


Never ever heard of this Alan Hutton guy as a player, nor an anlysist until I just read this article. Talk about shit stirring at its utmost, the guy comes across as an absolute gobshite with verbal diarrhea definitely out to try and make a name for himself… Tosser.!

I remember him from his time at Rangers and Villa, had forgotten he was at Spurs. Not sure if I am confusing him with another player but I think there was a game where he broke someones leg with a rather nasty tackle?

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This could be what you’re thinking of?



Who is he talking about just to save us giving the shit clicks.

If it’s Nunez, I read the same article that was from early October a few weeks back. I think it was the same site just different pundit.

I’d assume it was someone like Naby


That crashed my browser so I didn’t bother looking but yeah there was a piece in early October saying Nunez was a flop and the clubs owners would defy Klopp and get rid.

It’s the defy part I wonder if they’ve just rehashed it.

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Basically, he is spewing out Jurgen was wrong to state in a press conference Arthur is staying for the entire season and he is making a mistake if he doesn’t get rid of him in January… the tone of this cretin’s arrogance to bring into question Jurgens judgement is what is most astounding to me