New European Super League

is there a source either than twitter dude?

I think the Telegraph was the original source.

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West Ham has a big stadium and has a huge fanbase in and around Stratford. They’re in! Leicester City has Brendan and lots of Thai money. They’re in!


A game of chicken, who blinks first?

PL without “big” 6, that’s a joke, that will go from 2billion broadcasting rights to 2 million.
La Liga without Barca / RM? Same thing.
Serie A without the big teams, same thing.

50% of the best players in the world banned from FIFA, etc, laughable.

UEFA broadcasting rights without those teams? Try selling that to the networks.

What a bunch of posturing that so many people are getting upset about.


well said

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And its more like 80% of the worlds best players

So we are now been asked to choose between the ESL or Fifa or Uefa
so much for ‘its all about the fans’

i choose CHAOS!!

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As sad and weird this sounds, I love the chaos it has created.

What I do remember is how UEFA is a dirty organization though. Maybe the founding members had enough of some Mafia organization controlling their cash and skimming off the top.

Now, the founding members will insource the whole operation and do so without the middleman.


Tottenham is probably the weirdest one for me. I get Arsenal and Chelsea because they’ve had semi-recent success and have global fanbases, but Spurs? I don’t get that one. A decent argument could be made for Leicester, but not so much for the Hammers. Still, Spurs’ inclusion feels arbitrary.


That’s me done. The last remnant of soul this club had has finally been ripped out. Obviously since the early 90’s football’s been going down a dark path led primarily by greed and lust for ever increasing sized bank accounts, but this is our club finally shouting a “fuck off” to the values that Shankly, Paisley instilled. “You’ll never walk alone?” How quickly that turned into just a punchline.

Imagine if we had actually had the balls to say no and not join, I’d actually still have respect for those in charge of our club.

I know that I’ll just be replaced by a pimple covered wanker who is only interested in social media, but oh well.

Mods, delete my account please.

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Bit dramatic for this time of night, no?


Thats my view, entry should be meritorious


Agree with Pearce, the magic of the games will be gone if they happen on a regular basis and the wondrous European nights will be a thing of the past because normal is boring!


Well I’m all ears before flying off emotionally.

Greed is nothing new in this sport and the hypocrisy is breathtaking. Money driving football decisions - who would have thought.

My early thoughts are why not. I’ve been moaning about shite pre Xmas CL games for year’s.

Plenty of water to flow under this bridge. TV will be interesting, I think we know where it will go?

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My thoughts entirely, especially Spurs, what history do they have?


Leeds United

They’ve qualified several times over the past few years.

Indeed, other than the one Leicester year, the only teams that have qualified for the Champions League over the last decade come from the Top 6.

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Don’t Porto qualifier most years and therefore have more pedigree than Spurs??

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Those were the words by Klopp in 2019.