New European Super League

I think it’s a power play and not inherently designed to actually go ahead but rather to have a stronger hand at the negotiating table.

I must say though, and I am aware that this might be an extremely unpopular and probably the lone voice in saying this, but a shake up of football is not the end of the world. Everything evolves. Fifa and Uefa and the lawmakers of the game incur our wrath daily about their corruption and incompetence, something really should be done about the stranglehold they have on the game.


I am with Gary on this (God forgive me, but this is a just cause).


I’ve already lost much interest in the game since the years of big money/investors owners moving in and buying it up (including Liverpool). Only our recent resurgence and Klopp have kept me interested tbh. This breakaway, if it flies, would finish it off for me i think. At least i can follow my local club, enough angst there to last me a lifetime.


The threats by FIFA and continental confederations are hollow. The best players aren’t just going to leave Chelsea, Barcelona, Juventus and join the likes of Newcastle, Villarreal or Turin. The national teams can’t play without their biggest stars. Money talks, and it’s the clubs who have the money and they are making them heard. FIFA and the confederations will get peanuts if they hold a tournament with the biggest stars.


This is the ultimate point. Like it or not, we’re all fans of a business which will always be lead by €$£.

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More than ever, yeah.


But Maria, there are no fans atm who would walkout. And it might be some time until we will see full packed football stadiums again tbf.
Maybe they thought this uncertain times are good for a new start and after a while the fans will have accepted and tolerate the new situation and are just happy to see their team playing again etc.

Just a thought.


It’s the eternal irony of a hugely socialist city passionately supporting a massively capitalist business.

I’ll always be a Liverpool fan in my heart - we are the club as far as I’m concerned, not the owners and shareholders etc. But In terms of active support, I’d start following AFC Liverpool more closely


Gary is spot on!


I don’t mean now, but later on. People are so angry about this. To be honest, I cannot see this super league any time soon.


A shake up of football is probably needed, this isn’t a shake up though is it? Moving it from corrupt lot to another.

You’ve also got the issue of players who play in this league, what happens when they are no longer wanted or how do you bring young players through?

PL is caught between a rock and hard place, only way this happens is in an IPL way because I actually believe the EPL when they say that. Which means it happens in the summer and with it being a direct challenge to UEFA it may well end the Euros as a tournament.

Eithier they completely breakaway or it doesn’t I can’t see the alternative to be honest, I don’t think that collection of clubs has enough power.


It is always about money they are all going to kill the golden goose TIA printed that it was Liverpool led group which is a blatant lie this will ensure Leeds get 3 penalties and we get 3 goals chalked off tomorrow!


MNF should be a great watch tomorrow + a good game, too.



I did not think that Brexit would happen either but here we are. You’ll never know with that much money involved. I’ve read it will be official announced later in the evening.

But I sincerely hope you are right.


Gary Neville is spot on.

For what it’s worth, some trusted journos making the point that without FIFA’s backing the whole thing may well fall apart


I think the bottom line about this is that clubs want more control over broadcasting rights. They want to sell streaming on their own platforms, selling their own advertising space, control the marketing etc (hence why Henry is so much at the forefront). It’s basically about getting out from under UEFA’s control. A body that earns shit loads of money that doesn’t filter back to the clubs.

UEFA are naturally shitting themselves that this will kill their cash cow. I can’t see how they could ban any PL side from playing in the PL though. The PL teams own the league.

FIFA would lose any attempt to ban players from participating as well and would run counter to its interests in any event.


You have to remember that the PL would have 14 teams that have nothing to play for…

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These owners of of the breakaway league will have to deal with their strong fanbase and they will give them a massive fight. I think the supporters, all the European football league associations, governments, UEFA, FIFA, sports journalist and all the influential ex footballers are united against this ridiculous idea. I don’t think this super league will ever happen, but that is my view, I could be wrong though.


IF this information is true, I’m ashamed that LFC is among these break-away clubs. It doesn’t sit well with me at all.

Edit: so it’s true. Well, I only hope that on our side, the fans will voice their opinion clearly and loudly. This is unacceptable, full stop. If fsg are indeed among the frontrunners of this daft idea, then they deserve all the shit coming their way in the next times.

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