New European Super League

Two tight snooker matches I’m going have the viewing pleasure of.


Snooker is cancelled.

They’ve launched the Super fucking duper Snooker European Cunt League.

Sponsored by JP Morgan.

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I was … until I heard all this.

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I fucking guarantee you that this league will have games all over the world too.

Home game in Saudi Arabia anyone?

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Fucking Legacy Fan am I.

What the fuck is this game coming too.

I will enjoy the game.

I fear there’s a big chance of the league called N&V if the big six sticks to their guns.

Of course it is, this is being launched in New York or somewhere like that I can guarantee that.

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Don’t worry: Everton might qualify for the ESL through their league performance.

(Incredibly, I managed to type that with a straight face)


I am trying to get into footie mode! :roll_eyes: :frowning_face:

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The fucking Bruce Arena Arena in the middle of fucking no-where with NFL markings showing through the pitch

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Full turn out from the Arsenal fans I see.

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The ESL is going to have 6 English clubs - do you seriously think they will allow anymore English into it?

This is where I am after a day of reflection, and listening to the arguments.

I’m against a European Super league for the following reasons.

  1. I think it will create an inferior product, as games between the giants will become routine and normalised. The reason we love these games is because of their scarcity. Because they are special. The logic is akin to saying Christmas is great - let’s do it every week.

  2. I think there has to be a sense of jeopardy in football. There has to be a penalty for failure, and seeking to enshrine a system where nothing ultimately matters is going to make to game worse.

  3. Fans will ultimately pay the price for this, and I think the logical end point is a PPV television product where fans are absolutely rinsed.

I also don’t appreciate how FSG have allowed other clubs to nudge LFC into being the poster boys for this, while the rest largely keep their heads down. That’s fucking negligent (unlike no signing a centre back)

But I think a lot of the rage about money, greed, corporatism is completely misplaced. We’ve all stood by while billions have flowed into the game, distorted it beyond all familiarity, and now we’re shocked that it’s come to this? It was always coming to this.

We fans consistently demand that owners of clubs spend more and more on players on wages and infrastructure, and to bat FSGs corner for a second in this why should they pay out the wages they do if they don’t have the certainty of the income needed to cover it?

We’re all complicit in this. As Rory says in the podcast, we allowed a load of billionaires to run our football clubs. Didn’t we think that they might try to bend the game to their will? They’re fucking billionaires!

Meanwhile, building the World Cup infrastructure for Qatar has literally killed thousands of people, most of them held in slavery conditions. Where is the indignation about this?

That’s not whataboutism, it’s a demonstration of the corrosive effect that silly money has had on the game. We’ve all basically turned a blind eye to a human rights atrocity committed in the name of the game we love. We have no right to be pissed of about greed in the game, when greed and corporatism has led to the situation in the Middle East and 6500 dead migrant workers.


this is such great TV…football be damned!!

It will be really interesting now - for the owners of these clubs - yes you as well John - now you know the will of the people, will you carry on regardless or do we actually matter here at all?

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Top protest there lads. Stan is probably shitting himself.


well said mascot, well said!!! every one puts on their self-righteous cape when it suits them … well said…

Love this.

We have buried our heads in the sand for way to long


Give over.

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