New European Super League

I seriously fear we are one of the leaders of this.

I say we what i mean is FSG. They aren’t LFC but they are flying the banner at the moment unfortunately

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And why would any team even want to be “on merit” in this?

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That’s my point.

Imagine Everton slagging it off and then accepting an invitation… can’t happen can it.

Perez vs this guy - we are so fkcing doomed! :nauseated_face: :man_facepalming:

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I’m hoping that this won’t happen despite the word that they’ve all signed on the dotted line already The so called big 6 (15) are too self serving and greedy to cooperate in such a close circle. Guys like Perez, a fkn nutter never mind the AbuDabis and Russians, all working hand in hand with a bunch of yanks to carve up a huge pot of money. It’d end up like the end of the Good the Bad and the Ugly (without the good). The current UEFA control leaves a lot to be desired but you could say the same about any huge governing body. To support taking it ti the next level of greed is insane.

By slagging now they hold the moral highground but they have to take part to survive.

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I’m not sure I agree.

As part of the TV deal a few seasons back I remember seeing that PL clubs could basically afford to play in empty stadiums… so where as the pandemic has caused chaos I don’t think it will result in the death of any PL clubs.

Reading that Zidane has refered all queries about ESL to Perez. Says his job is only to coach.
Fair play to him


I’m not saying they need to join to survive, I’m saying that will be their excuse.

On a side note I do find funny all the rich ex footballers saying this is a disgrace and it’s all about money. Some of them made 10s of millions from the game. That money came and still comes from clubs overcharging fans.

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He should give out his mobile number.


Hahaha that be fucking hilarious

Yes the hypocrisy is just rife. It’s shameful from some parties… Sky is the prime example, jesus christ imagine them taking the moral high ground…

Everton another one… Being backrolled by a Russian gangster… Yet scorning us…


I’m loving the trolling from Wolves today


Official Man City twitter account tweeting his comments as welll…


This entire circus has certainly become popcorn gif worthy.


Getting preached at by Pep now? The hypocrisy coming out now is amazing. The hand-wringing by Everton is also great, given that they are owned by an Oligarch cunt.

Those whining that this kills the game are missing the fact that the game was killed long ago, and the FA and UEFA helped kill it. They were happy to let these big money investors into club ownership because they could profit from it, and now they’re crying because the big money owners have realized they no longer need the FA or UEFA. The game died long ago, this is just the next inevitable phase.


Guys, it is fucking happening.

Confirmed 100%.

They have named the official icy-pole of the European Super League.

If that’s not confirmation, I have no idea what is.

The great Zooper Doopers, loved by kids and pilled-up festival-goers all over Australia.


I find it a bit embarrasing really, Wolves a club who are privately up for sale because their owners are pulling out due to the Chinese govt pulling funding?? The same club who are basically a private empire for Mendes and his players?

Another example of hundreds of idiots trying to take the moral high ground…

I’d find it hard to name 5 clubs who aren’t built upon greed.


I’ve kept out of this thread as I was, and still am actually, undecided. One of the reasons I am not truly against it already is because Sky is, and being on the same ‘side’ as Sky and Murdoch always gives me pause. Any Australian who was around for the RL Super League in Australia would understand. I think there are underlying motives from those in the media being most vocal so I am being careful to go all in with them. There are a few aspects to this that I can identify:

  1. Damage to ‘The Spectacle’
    Know anyone who truly enjoys the Group games in the CL unless you are in the group of death? No, me neither. I have 3 kids so if I need to prioritise football over my kids I’m sure as shit choosing to watch Liverpool vs Real Madrid at the Bernabéu than Liverpool vs RB Salzburg in Salzburg. We all hear about not being able to wait to reach the last 16, quarter finals, semi finals so that we play the good teams. Sure we want the easiest path to the finals so we’ll pray to face the weakest team but we aren’t wanting to play the weakest team for the spectacle! Will it dilute the excitement of playing the same 16 teams each year? I don’t get sick of facing Man United. I could do 10 of those games because United and Liverpool are usually a fairly even match so one team will always be wanting to even up from the previous loss. I just don’t see us getting sick of facing Barca or Real. IMO the spectacle will live on. We will recreate famous nights at Anfield even in a competition with a different name.

  2. Damage to the domestic competition
    This is probably the reason why the PM has weighed into the debate. Trying to protect the damage, and the money, of the PL and the other domestic competitions. There’s no getting around the fact that teams are going to tank the domestic competition if the leader gets too far ahead. Playing the reserves and going hard in the ESL. And the thing is, the reserve players will be better than the best players outside the top 6. There will basically be two halves to the PL table due to the unfair distribution of player talent: The top 6 and the rest. The gap will be much greater than it is today. That will be really disturbing. The fight to make top 4 is what keeps the PL alive. If we return to a season ago where we or City were practically going through a season undefeated then the PL could become unwatchable. I don’t know how that can be sorted. Changing the prize money? I doubt that will do anything if the ESL is lucrative. The domestic competition will take a battering if the ESL goes ahead, and this is by far my biggest objection to the ESL idea.

  3. Fairness
    From a Liverpool fan, its easy to ignore this as we are not the ones being shut out. But just imagine being a supporter of one of the other clubs. Has the PL ever been fair? Hell no. Newly promoted teams may have false hopes when they are in the top 10 at the mid-point but they nearly always inevitably sink to the very bottom before the end of the season. Football isn’t fair. The distribution of wealth isn’t fair or equal. But that’s not to say creating a new exclusives club isn’t going to bend the fairness scale heavily in favour of the ‘big 12’ even more. I would expect each of those 12 teams will probably have a bench containing players on £200k/wk wages each as the best players scramble to play in the premier competition of a tiny pool of teams. The best players in clubs outside the top 12 will be on a tenth of that.

Actually after all that…
tl;dr I am against it. Maybe not totally emotionally against it like some on here but against it. But as well, the special comments guys from Sky and ex-footballers and Prince William (an AV fan) and the PM can all get fucked.


National associations can clearly ban clubs and players. I am having difficulty understanding why lawyers are being so adamant about this. Ok, they can not stop clubs or players joining a breakaway setup but can prevent them from participating in the ‘official’ associative set up. There are even examples of this.