New European Super League

Yeah that went bankrupt and was bought out by the old order.

Maybe it’s more apt than you think.

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Agree 100%

Yeah but, are we going to let Bischoff and Russo do the booking for us? WCW failed because the bookers had no idea what to do with the product they had created by accident. I still maintain that if Hogan had put Sting over clean at Starrcade 97, WCW would still be around today.


Of course it is, however they had to pay a rebate because there weren’t a crowd and matches were played much later.

The league isn’t just there for us, and some of the arrogance coming from some fans on here is a bit galling if I’m honest

Well they seem to be letting Perez run it and all he seems interested in is saving his presidency at Real Madrid.

And that was Hogan for you, he doesn’t go over for no one. See Madrid.


How do they backtrack on this now even if they wanted to.

Say one of them does (for arguments sake let’s pick Chelsea as they’re reportedly the most wobbly) how do they go about this.

Sorry chaps, I know we’re owned by a hugely sketchy character with links to the Russian government and all that but we were bullied into it. I know, I know, they musn’t have tried so hard with Bayern or Porto but we’re really sorry. Can we come back now. We’ll happily vote to expel the rest of them if that helps.

The 14 aren’t going to welcome them back with open arms like some character in a film who walked away at a time of need only to return just in time to be the hero. You aren’t Han Solo Chelsea, so no invite to the victory party for you, down into the pit of sarlacc you naughty boys. Then the other SL clubs and the English ones in particular will be furious at the backtracking. If they get booted from their domestic leagues, expect Chelsea to be on the outside looking in for a very very long time to come.

If they all back down then they’ve just killed relationships with fans for the foreseeable. There will be protests at every game and a lot of fans the damage is already done and they won’t be back. So now the clubs have the rest of the clubs united against them, bad blood with their own fans and they’ve shown that ultimately their threats are just that, threats.

This doesn’t just get swept under the carpet. If they back down I fully expect UEFA to sanction them and be banned from European competition for some time. Maybe that’s what football needs in order to start redistributing some of it’s wealth. An extended period of some of the big boys being cut out from the cash cow.

No matter the outcome, the clubs have played their hands and football will be different from here on out.

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The prevailing rumor is that Hogan reneged on the agreed-upon dusty finish because he felt that Sting couldn’t carry the company as he “wasn’t tan enough”. In reality, Sting was a bit of a drunk back then. Still, Hogan was a cunt, as always. They made it worse by fucking up Bret Hart. WCW was a catalogue of errors, but they fell ass-backwards into a perfect storyline, then fucked it all up.

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So Perez says “Young people say the game is too long. If young people don’t watch an entire game it is because it is not interesting enough, or we will have to shorten the games.

Maybe 20 minutes each way then and include time outs and commercial breaks for cola and popcorn? I don’t know anything about US sport but isn’t that how it works? Would that make it more exciting for these poor youngsters with gnat like attention spans?


its all being aimed at kids who play fifa and ultimate team.

One thing I have learnt in the last day or two, Perez isn’t to be someone you trust with running football.

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these clubs might be the cash cow but the majority of them are also the problem with football over the last 20 years. How can the 2 spanish clubs be almost £1b in debt each? they are spending money they don’t have and after years of being subsidised by government and such like… they want our top clubs to dig them out of a hole.

Do not get trapped into thinking just because a club has more supporters that it should wield more power within football. These cubs are horrendously run and what this could essentially do is bring upon another mass wave of unemployment during a time that has already seen businesses go to the wall and people lose their jobs.

CUNTS - pulling the ladder up and saying i’m alright jack … fuck you!


Because that’s where the money is. Even if the ESL collapses before it gets off the ground, all that will do is delay the inevitable. Football, like any other entertainment enterprise, will move to where the money is at. This is why we have more films aimed at younger kids and teens than anything else - because the money is there. Movie studios seldom make films for artistic merit anymore, they make films that will make them guaranteed huge profits. Simples.

He’s a smart lad, isn’t he… Then again, Perez had the guts to address the media about ESL, so Zidane’s position was easier. Klopp on the other hand was hung out to dry by the LFC reps.

The thing is Perez needs this to succeed so he is going to be promoting it as much as possible ironically the more he talks the worse the whole thing sounds…

FSG on the other hand don’t need this, I reckon they are behind closed doors working on an exit strategy.

Perez never shuts up! Klopp would have been asked anyway and he would not have been able to refer it back to the owners because of the comments he made regarding the super league in 2019. He would most likely i believe have answered in the same way regardless of a message from the top.

He would ahve looked silly had he gone back on what he said in 2019 or refused to answer. I’m not sticking up for the owners just its a different situation when you’ve already made your feelings pretty clear !

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Does that mean UEFA will now pay them tv revenue etc from the following seasons UCL? haha

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James Corden says he wants nothing to do with the European Super League, which is the first bit of good PR they’ve had in two days.


Ha, probably (not!). In any case, nice to see that some take it with humor. Imo there is no point in being too outraged and upset, not good for our health, especially now. What happens that happens. The damage is done. We probably won’t be able to change it anyway.


UEFA is in discussions with Centricus Asset Management over a 6 billion-euro ($7.2 billion) financing package to overhaul its flagship soccer tournament