New European Super League

Roma latest to say they won’t be entering.



I’ve overseen my club ending up £1bn in debt. I will run your sport.

We’d be better bringing in Peter fucking Ridsdale.

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My local team say they will consider entering but only if Perez will pick up the dogshit with his bare hands and juggle it for pre match entertainment.

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Seems Chelsea have gone green. No longer plastic, they’ve gone cardboard:

chelsea cardboard


I struggle to see how the answer to this is to throw more money at it.

So the rival offer will not be to make it more fair, more inclusive nor more financially disseminative. Just lots of cash.

Fair play to them…

Our lot out?

Is UEFA is bitching around instead of doing something practical? UEFA must sit down with the 12 clubs and find a solution.

This is a power play. On one hand we have the people in power, and on the other hand we people with money. None gives shit about football let alone fans, integrity etc.

Best they can do is to sit down and find a solution.


The problem is that football is a huge bubble as it is. The Covid pandemic has shown just how fragile the business model is, with big clubs standing to lose 100’s millions of pounds through lost revenue. In my view, the momentum could swing downwards because I’m not sure the bubble can be sustained, let alone inflated to accommodate the ESL. In truth, football has become too big for its boots and there is only so much people are willing to pay for what often is a bang average product. Maybe there is a rarified, elitist market for a competition such as the ESL, but not within the rank and file supporters who have been royally fleeced over the past 30 years. It’s been an amazing con trick that we have all fallen for. Maybe this will wake people up.


The presiding judge, Señor Florentino Pérez, declared that UEFA and FIFA are trying to kill football before crying, ¡Hala Madrid! …y nada más


Would love to be a fly on the wall listening to Henry and FSG talk. Are they shitting themselves about the reaction or was this expected? Are they going to see this through or just take the UEFA cash bribe? I expect that, if so, the ‘super 12’ (sounds like southern hemisphere rugby union in the good old days) will be punished in some minor way (Bayern and PSG et al will probably get a loyalty payment)…

Are these the type of courts Trump went to.

Yep and lost in all of this is the horrible changes to the Champions League.

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Sounds fair and balanced to me. Gets the ‘Kangaroo Court seal of approval’, cobber.

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these are the type of courts that say “THESE BASTARDS OWE US 2 BILLION POUNDS!” we’ll sell you barca and madrids debts!

They have sat around with each other. Catch up. This is a breakaway group of clubs.

That’s exactly what happened to the NBA. They have shackled defending players and promoted offence to the degree that absurd scores which were very rare occurences have become the norm. But the kids like it.