New European Super League

Hahaha those heads of clubs who jacked in their swanky positions at UEFA…

Fucking morons


This would make a great film, power to the people!!

Viva la fooball fan power!!! :fist:


With you all the way Maria

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A ESL has been on the cards long before these guys were on the scene. I think if issues they have are not looked into it will raise its head again after they’ve gone.


Fucking Hell Liverpool release a fucking statement already

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Perez is getting shat on. Agnelli is getting shat. Henry and Glazers are getting shat on. Ringleaders from the three countries getting the flack they deserve. Others will get stick but Henry has been angling for TV money since they bought the club and has previous for wanting football to be Americanised as a sport and remove competition.

Abramovich, the Shieks and Levy all have thier faults and have caused problems for football in this country. This particular evil is one they were along for the ride with; not one they were responsible for

Where’s that coming from?

I mean I’m not sure at this point whether we could even call it pulling out. Rather we’re left pissing in the wind with a dwindling group that now don’t have the ability to push it forward.

Not that FSG will paint it that way even if the do dare to grace us with some form of actual communication rather than letting a Glazer of all people speak on our behalf.

Hopefully we don’t have to wait until Klopp’s next press conference for them to make an announcement.


For sure - this new CL format will only placate the greedy fucks for a few years and then they’ll want a bigger slice of the pie


Talksport are declaring it. They are all talking to each other about disbanding the gang of 6

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Hopefully they let him
Know what the fuck is going in this time so he isn’t left to deal with it all

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I would be more supportive of this league if it had replaced the international friendlies and that nation league bollocks.


If an ESL fell in the forest and no-one was there, would it make a noise?


No, it will be any time now. They have no choice. :fist:

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ha ha !

The season wasn’t a complete write-off after all !

You would hear tears of football fans who support multiple teams who have bought their new arm chairs and satellite dishes in readiness for the start of the Super League

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The smart move would be not to release a statement. say nothing. do nothing. then a few days down the line say you’ve had shit wifi and were unable to deny these claims and actually we were never in it … then say you have decided to sell the club for a totally unrelated reason


Depends if Perez is in the forest.


So option B then, last few standing. Pathetic of them.

Chelsea first; City second; Barcelona third…

I predict Manchester United will be sixth.