New Likes Button Experiment

Done :wink:

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In related news, making @SBYM sad is an auto-ban. :smirk:

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Great feedback on the new emoji, now you all can go to this post and test out your new emoji.

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Amazing! Thank you so much @ISMF!

I can assure you it will be my most used like option at the end of 2022.

Thank you again! :beers:

Rolling eyes. That’s my favourite, since everyone seems to be in a giving phase.


:roll_eyes: is my all time absolute favourite ever


Sorry for reviving this old thread.

I have an issue: on my phone, while I scroll with my thumb, I quite often hit the like button in posts randomly.
The like button seems to be exactly at the wrong place.
Which can be quite awkward, depending on the conversation I’m browsing.

I realize people with a different morphology probably don’t encounter the same issue. And I don’t even have a suggestion for a fix, but maybe someone has.


That’s a tricky one.

Different phone sizes, how individuals hold phones (size of hand, which hand dominant, and grip)

On my iPhone 8 is pretty much central. (So I am never near it). Do you have a small phone ?

Let me have a :thinking: I could possibly make a skin with the button on the left side.


Putting it on the left might be a way to solve it.

When I test scrolling with my thumb on other icons, links don’t get triggered. What’s the difference with the like button?
Maybe there’s a way to disable click event in case of touch+scroll.

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I tried Twitter like button, and I don’t seem to be able to like by mistake while scrolling.
There could be something to copy there.

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Thirded. :grinning:


Generally the trend now in phone apps is to have as many interactable within easy reach of the phone considering most typing happens by the thumb of the predominant hand (which is holding the phone) .

Extra likes? What’s not to like?
If it wasn’t for that feature some of us would never get any likes at all… so please keep hitting that heart as you scroll, for my sake :wink::rofl:

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Agreed. If this can’t be solved at least allow likes inadvertently given to be retracted. I often find later that I’ve inadvertently liked a post that I’m then unable to change.

That is already doable. You just need to click on the like button a 2nd time and it will remove the unintended like

Apparently not if it’s been a while. If you don’t realise you’ve liked a post it isn’t possible to change something if you find out only later on

Didn’t know that. I have mis-likeda couple of posts and been able to retrct the like fairly quickly. Never tried it with a like that was left for a longer period.

It doesn’t even need to be left for that long. Less than a day.

Every like I’ve ever given was an accident.

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