NON Breaking News Stories

I think this is being blown out of proportion.


I think the US needs to make use of this opportunity to deflate the chinese ego.

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Just a lot of hot air from both sides

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Season 6 Episode 3 GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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I think some politicians were trying to propose ideas on striking back at each other but they did not take off.

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Guess the outcome of this brouhaha is still…up in the air
tom skilling dancing GIF by WGN Morning News

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Yes you are right, although plenty of possible scenarios have been floated around.

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Speaking of foreign objects floating around

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That’s going to take some shooting down.
… or a precission strike in exactly the right spot. Is top gun available?

Genius son Trump Jr. suggested the good people of Montana should shoot it down themselves.

(I’m pretty sure none of them possesses a rifle that can reach 60,000 ft.) :smile:

Shhh let’s see them try

Bold Strategy Cotton GIF by MOODMAN

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Facing a difficult time in prison,good enough for the sick bastard.

David Carrick sentencing - live: Rapist officer ‘faces difficult time in prison for many years’, judge says as he gets 36 life sentences | UK News | Sky News

David Carrick sentencing - live: Rapist officer ‘faces difficult time in prison for many years’, judge says as he gets 36 life sentences

David Carrick, known to his colleagues as “Bastard Dave”, has been jailed for at least 30 years after he admitted 49 charges, including 24 counts of rape, making him one of Britain’s most prolific sex offenders.

Yes, it’s completely normal to leave a police officer known as ‘Bastard Dave’ to walk round unsupervised. Of course employing him is a must!


He’ll get special treatment in jail.
I hear they already have a job lined up for him…

Picking up the soap in the showers.

Is that the maximum if I may ask? Asking because over here we have a life sentence and that is literally for life.

No idea @Dutch ,hopefully he never gets out though.

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Many countries have a fixed maximum for life imprisonment, UK and France 2 easy countries for me to come up with.

‘jailed for at least thirty years’ … presumably eligible for parole after that. By UK standards that’s a pretty severe sentence.


This is 21st century UK though.
After a certain amount of time in jail, the rehabilitation of the criminal becomes way more important than the welfare of the victim