NON Breaking News Stories

Twenty four counts of rape and he gets a minimum of thirty years? That’s one and a quarter years for each count. I’d think that someone who was convicted of one rape would get more than one and a quarter years? Surely the fact that he’s carried out so many rapes should mean a harsher sentence for each crime? :rage::sunglasses:


Agree… to those creeps out there seeing this will now think they can carry on offending until they get caught… sentence won’t be much different eh


… and what about the scum who let him continue and gave him the power he used to commit them.
If 'they had done something sooner perhaps he would have been behind bars for many of those subscequent crimes.
I think a lot of people need to be brought to justice yet am sure a whole host will go scot free because they will get over shadowed by these ‘big’ deals. I ask which is more disgusting …


Kerala: The transgender couple whose pregnancy photos went viral

The couple have paused their gender transition to have a baby together.

Ms Paval, who says she always wanted to be a parent, was recorded male at birth and now identifies as female.

Mr Zahad, who uses only one name, was observed as female at birth and now identifies as male. He is currently pregnant, and the couple expect to welcome their baby soon.



good to see he’s stll embarrassing himself…

once a knob, always a knob

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Absolute scum

For context
Surrey: Five arrested after ‘racially aggravated attack’ against girl | Metro News

As sickening as the attack was, I personally think those standing around watching/filming on their phones should also be charged for being gutless pricks and not stepping in to help.


Almost as bad as these cunts
Nicola Bulley: police issue dispersal notices after social media speculation | UK news | The Guardian
"Police have been granted extra powers to remove social media influencers from the scene where Nicola Bulley went missing in Lancashire.

A dispersal order was put in place on Wednesday night meaning anyone taking photos and video for social media after the 45-year-old’s disappearance 13 days ago can be sent away."

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WTF is wrong with this sadistic person!

Bloody hell, what a vile piece of shit

Kids fight. Those adults should be, well, you can guess.

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2 miles from us.

Kids fighting is fine 1v1,when it’s 2,3,4v1 and the ‘parent’ is encouraging head kicking it’s not so fine.
The ‘parents’ are feral scum and should be sterilised.


So how many of you lot will hug your cow tomorrow? :rofl:

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I was down that park the night before, scary to hear this happening so close

Hey, another neighbour!

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They’ll let anyone in the County these days.