NON Breaking News Stories


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A book is slightly damaged and pupils are suspended. Odd….

Not sure if serious?

In the real world, I’ve never been in a job where I couldn’t use the toilet whenever I wanted.

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in the real world, we couldn’t just get up and walk out of our class. we’re not talking about work here.

Oh, I thought you meant in for a rude awakening when they leave school.

reminds me of the scene from Shawshank Redemption when Red gets released from prison, goes to work at the grocery store and the manager has to remind him he doesn’t need permission to go to the bathroom. When you’re that indoctrinated…

But… why?

Dumbasses gonna dumbass

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Why is the Paltrow ski (whatever) thing news in the BBC???

It’s of no “news” value!


This IS news, and, on many fronts!

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Masculinity thread/UK Politics thread

Just when you think you’ve met the dumbest human being alive, you read this:

Took my deeply Catholic gran to see David. Her response? “Wouldn’t have kept his wife very happy with that!”

Under how large a rock do you need to live to think there would be no nudity on a trip to one of the greatest European art galleries? Beggars belief.


I assumed they looked at a picture rather than actually visited the original?

According to the story, the head was guilty of exposing the children to pornography for looking at one of the world’s most famous statues.

But if they had a class to learn how to strip and rebuild an M16 and how to shoot one there would have been no comment (well apart from those who aleady do that most weekends and felt it too easy).


I notice that the BBC, as the prude and deeply religious institution they are, cuts the picture from the statue and only shows the upper half as an illustration for their article. That speaks volumes too.

Politically correct times, eh?.. :see_no_evil:

(As for these parents, they should be ashamed of themselves. Fucking idiots…)


Not great that Philip Schofield knew his brother had sexually abused a teenager and didn’t bother telling anybody about it.

Worth being aware of and remember to let elderly relatives/neighbour know it’s coming and there’s a link in the story to let you know how to turn them off if there’s somebody who won’t remember know matter how many times you tell them and will freak out when it goes off.