NON Breaking News Stories

Only in Manchester, it seems.

Anfield and the New Everton stadium, this is more revenue for the city, some good news.

Edit: Bad news, I thought it included Anfield. :woman_facepalming:t4: :woman_facepalming:t4: :see_no_evil:


They are really idiots aren’t they? Including the city of Liverpool in their bid (great), but excluding Anfield, one of the most iconic football stadia in the world, in favour of a random bowl on a waterfront or something… :see_no_evil:

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My bad :see_no_evil: :woman_facepalming:t4: :woman_facepalming:t4:

Why has Anfield not been nominated?

'The City of Liverpool and Everton Stadium ’

Is that what their new ground is officially known as , presumably until they get a sponsorship deal for it ?

Assuming they get a sponsorship deal. If they go down, then who knows

@Maria I read somewhere that it’s because our pitch is something like 3 metres too short by UEFA’s rules.
Apparently we have to apply for special dispensation each season to be allowed to compete in Europe. :nerd_face:



Can’t the Anfield builders stretch the pitch by 3 metres, 1.5 metres each side, it is not that much?

I didn’t know this fact, thanks for sharing

I’m guessing not or they’d have included it the Annie Road project? :nerd_face:

They should have. The owners would have got some revenue, in turn, put some savings in the Jude kitty :joy: :woman_facepalming:t4:


No idea, sorry! :wink:

this is fucked up.

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ever wondered what the secret service trains for? now you know

this is impressive

No room for error is there?
Then again, not even a ‘Hi! what are you doing here?’
No just point a gun and shoot!


So how long until we admit to the truth that US is not far off becoming a failed state




Some people are just brainless - No respect shown whatsoever
Taking a provocative selfie at the gates of Auschwitz :0(

Jesus another one :man_facepalming:t2:

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he’s got nothing to do with it