NON Breaking News Stories

That’s a stunning shot.

Stay safe :pray:.

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Morning sky is bizarre, it is a cloudless day, but we cannot see the sun. Just that weird warm refracted light everywhere. PM2.5 content is three times what it was when that photo was taken yesterday.

What is the cause? Accumulated industrial pollution? A combination of industrial and vehicular pollutants?

Bush fires I presume? Canberra had it very bad at the end of 2019 and into 2020 - PM 2.5 was above 200 for days on end. We fled to Adelaide to avoid it and liked it so much we relocated.

Edit: the peak levels were much worse:

In December 2019, the air quality index (AQI) around Rozelle, an inner suburb of Sydney, hit 2,552 or more than 12 times the hazardous level of 200. The level of fine particle matters, known and measured globally as PM2.5, around Sydney was also measured at 734 micrograms (0.01133 gr) or the equivalent of 37 cigarettes. On 1 January 2020, the AQI around Monash, a suburb of Canberra, was measured at 4,650, or more than 23 times hazardous level and peaked at 7,700.

Just saw this

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Life finds a way…


Massive forest fires. We have had 20mm of rain in a month

The observations from that Monash fire were approaching the limits of what air at that temperature can carry. I cannot imagine, it must have been like standing right next to a fire

Is that egg salad I smell?

No fires there, or anywhere in Canberra: they were all 100s of KMs away but the geography of Canberra - plateau where inverted air traps smoke/fog - meant the entire city became like a bonfire for several days. If it wasn’t for the long term health implications for our very young kids it would have just been bizarre and surreal but the health risks made it frightening and after waiting it out over new years took a plane out of dodge on 2 January and that was that.

Nothing to see here…

Some spectacular pics in that article. New York and Washington look like a dystopic end-of-the-world movie decor.

@Arminius, good luck mate. Hopefully these fires will soon be over. :crossed_fingers:

Ottawa and Montreal are significantly worse.

That Tate guy did an interview with the BBC the other day. He’s even worse in the flesh.

Such a weird cycle, not entirely sure why/how, but 24 hours ago we had 511 micrograms of PM2.5 per m3 (which is awful), current reading is 3 (which is likely lower than where you are, almost anywhere in the world)

That is surprising!


2nd straight day of very favourable wind direction - I am not quite sure where the particulate matter is going, but there are still massive fires to the north (albeit now under control). Absolutely nothing in the air.

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Very punchable man. I understand he’s a pro mma/boxer though who would probably dismember anyone who would act on those instincts. But a destastable human being nevertheless and one I never understood why he gets that following.

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