NON Breaking News Stories

Interesting read, on how petroleum was the dominant precious commodity in the world economy (Persian Hulf states) and now Lithium is, with people using battery operated transport around the world, so attention is turning to countries like Chile, Argentina and Australia with huge Lithium reserves

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So, you know how opposition fans like to sing about scousers stealing car parts? Presumably Villa fans won’t be doing that in future…

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Doubt it will stop them.

I remember a few years back, Liverpool fans and Newcastle fans teamed up to set up a collection for food banks in Liverpool and Newcastle before a league match, and within 10 minutes you could hear the deluded pricks singing Feed the Scousers


a few km from here

Remembering the Grenfell residents who perished in the fire 6 years ago in West London and salute to the rescue services who tried to save them. RIP​:pray::palms_up_together:


6 years on and what has changed?


I find the below story worrying on any number of levels - be it the clickbate title that leads to a hatchet job on a Pharma player, to the (likely) misleading/wrong title to the numbers (and the make up there of) probably involved but glossed over.

Hello, Dad. It’s Harry. Dad, look, I’ve been doing a bit of thinking. Hello? Hello?

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I don’t know if Ohio has the death penalty. The very least she deserves is life imprisonment without parole.


She needs to be left without food and water to the same end as her poor daughter.
Her fucking neighbours should be ashamed of themselves for not highlighting this behaviour to the relevant authorities

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No warning with a pointed gun? Straight shot to the back? Okayyyy then

“The culprit has not yet been officially identified, although there are strong suspicions that he is called Ivan.”

You Dont Say Episode 2 GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Well I suppose they can’t categorically rule out Ivana Humpalot

austin powers GIF

With the numbers I can deduce that their last name could be Jordan. So we are looking for a Hayley Jordan.

Replying to an old post here, but it seems lock downs were good for something at least.

… or not as since people seem to behave in a very uneducated fashion … :cry:

…Aaaaannndd its a guy from Bristol :roll_eyes: