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Lock him up. Idiot.


Perspective - Romans carved their names onto the temples in Jerusalem, Palmyra, Stonehenge, Carthage, countless sites in Spain. Not quite sure what makes this such an atrocity.

Just flay him and move on. Can’t stand this woke nonsense.


100% he travels around Europe dressed like this.


Nah, feed him to the lions

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Good to see this getting some traction and Clare Woodcraft is so right about much of the bullshit ‘philanthropy’


PCSO refuses to attend assault at Co-op because then he’ll ‘have to deal with it’ (


Really? Playing number based games helps kids with
maths? There are times when I really despair. Yet another study to point out the blatantly bleeding obvious. A simple concept of good teaching is to let the kids think they’re just having fun, not working. There’s a good reason why I have a black belt in My Little Pony and Monsters Inc. Top Trumps. It’s so simple it’s frightening.

“Nah fuck that, they can play on their iPad” says Dave the shit parent who never really wanted kids anyway and is far too busy to play games with them. Wanker.

Next they’ll be telling ua that reading and playing Scrabble helps to broaden one’s vocabulary……


a show about 6 mary sues…a brave new world for you mate.

No Mary Sues in MLP, all have their strengths and weaknesses. That’s the point.

Dare I ask… What’s a Mary Sue?

It’s a female character, who is unrealistically depicted as being good at everything and not really having and flaws or weaknesses.

While they do exist, more often than not they are just misidentified by insecure incel fanboys who don’t like it when a female character is introduced who happens to be as capable as a male character.

A Gary Stu is the male equivalent


well i concede there…

It’s another world out there and another language…:scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

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Bollocks. Rey. Done.

Oh and all the women in the M She U.

Told You So Epix GIF by PENNYWORTH

The arch of “this” is just too cynical to be true…

I shop for us and my parents every week. It’s obvious that supermarkets are evil bastards when it comes to prices. A couple of examples. Asda boxes of tissues on special offer, a twin pack for £3. Big sign saying special offer. Singles are £1 each. Same with beans I saw last night “Special bulk price!” on a 6 pack for £6. 4 pack was on the bottom shelf for £3.50. It takes the intelligence of a 10 year old to work this out. If you’re struggling as an adult, that’s your fault. Yes, a tiny fraction of the population do have the intelligence of a 10 year old but should they be shopping alone in the first place?

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Yet any superficial attempt to actually understand the reasons why it happens undermines your point, as per usual.

Generally, people who are struggling do not have the mental capacity to take on the extra cognitive load of dealing with such things.

But as always, it’s easy to judge from your high horse. Carry on as you like.

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