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That’s simply bollocks. If unit pricing exceeds your cognitive capacity, you should climb back into the trees. One of the stupidest things I’ve read on here. You’re literally saying that struggling people are too stupid to count to 100. That’s demonstrable nonsense. A tiny tiny minority might be, as I said.

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You do read your own posts right?

Firstly, am I saying that? I am specifically saying that they would not have spare cognitive capacity, with all the additional stresses of their days, to be able to compute effectively the prices of different products for comparisons.

Secondly, don’t take my word for it. Look it up.

Isn’t that just free market capitalism in action? Certainly looks like it to me.


If people use scan and go, the price can clearly be seen on the handheld scanner and it also adds up for you. Simples!

Unless I’m much mistaken, what you’re talking about is not the problem they’re trying to address here.

The problem here is that pricing per volume/weight is often not clear, even though it’s the best way to actually compare the prices of what you’re getting. This was brought into prominence recently by a Which investigation which suggested that items on sale were not actually showing the right pricing per volume/weight, making it harder to make the comparisons. So, for example, a 300g pack of mince would be marketed as being on sale, whereas in reality, a 500g pack of mince would still be cheaper per unit weight. This misleads consumers into spending more than they actually need to.

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Stay safe, Berliners!

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A lioness!! Isn’t she supposed to be in New Zealand for the World Cup?

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Bet the one in Berlin is better at football … :innocent:

Can’t count. Bull shit. This really is laughable. You’re actually saying that a person under stress can’t do VERY simple maths? I’d stop digging as you’re onto a hell of a loser here.

6 for £6 vs 4 for £3.50 too stressful for you? Forget the trees, go back into the sea.


A pacy attacker who bites your ankles!

The article talks about the store using different measurements for the pricing of each comparison rather than the same, sizing of writing too small to read etc

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Several times before posting. Wouldn’t want to make a fool of myself.

Can’t find a suitable giff……

Suspected underground gas pipeline explosion in Johannesburg CBD (South Africa).

Yes, I know. Still not beyond primary school maths.

I’ve seen highly educated professionals of all backgrounds struggle with this at the end of a long day. Give people a comfortable existence where they’re not pushed to the limits of their cognitive capacities, and I’d agree with what you’re stating.

But we don’t have that.

Another oxygen thief for whom the rope is too good.

Spend 5 minutes in my shoes. If I can do it, anybody can.

Beat me to it :rofl::rofl:

Hunts down defenders! A pressing machine!