NON Breaking News Stories

You better have big feet, I’m a size 12

11 but stupidly wide feet.

Me too!!

Odd how you’re always demanding empathy for yourself but can’t spare it for others.

I would trip over myself.


Nah, used to not getting it. My point was that if I can deal with primary school maths after a day at work, anybody can. Honestly mate, this is ludicrous.

A shocking story about violences taking place in the state of Manipur (India), with women’s bodies being weaponised:

It’s not breaking news, so has its place in here I suppose. But it’s still really shocking.

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You are aware of the sad fate of the A&W 1/3rd burger, aren’t you?

just leave it alone mate. they’re arguing over 4th grade maths when nearly ever first-world person over the age of 12 has a calculator in their hand at all times. :man_facepalming:

Confused Abc GIF by Bachelor in Paradise

I remember hearing about this. Might have stuck in my head though because I was a big fan of A&W’s root beer I used to drink when visiting relatives in Asia…I was stunned to find the company had a chain of restaurants and wasn’t just a soft drinks company!

Yeah. Fucking idiots.

Fixed that simple one for you.

where I live, 8year olds are not given cell phones (which was my reference to calculator)

I was traveling 20y ago, imagine my surprise to find an A&W in Bangkok!

I said head.

Just ran this past 15 year old jnr. Response? Morons. God I’m so proud.

I think you’re over-estimating the education system for 3rd Grade, which my 8yo just finished. they’ve barely touched fractions yet, not doing multiplication or division.

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I’m talking specifically about 6 for £6 vs 4 for £3.50.

Shit, your school maths is way behind us.

Yet we come out significantly ahead in all international testing (while getting crushed by Singapore, etc).

Right now, most education systems are really doing remedial work because so many kids did 1-2 years of basically useless virtual school. It worked for the kids who were not going to have problems anyway, but for struggling kids, they wasted two years. With the current ethic of not holding kids back, teachers are facing a 4-year span of curriculum inside a single classroom. Inevitably, that has them behind the scheduled pace.

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I have my great-grandfather’s high school entrance exams from 1897 in Ontario, the curriculum will shock you.

Yeah, that’s where I first saw them - in Pantip Plaza I think where there were lots of people selling computers and PC parts