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Post it in a suitable thread, would love to see it. Will acquire a middle UK primary school test paper tomorrow to show where kids are. It’s frightening.

Have to pull you up here. I ran the IT systems for multiple primary schools throughout lockdown. Headteachers are now explaining to parents why their kids are failing, primarily with their lesson attendance figures. Guess what, those who showed up for the most lessons had the best achievement.

The number of times I heard “We can’t get him off his playstation (or whatever)”

Once again, shit parents.

Jnr attended all lessons, had the school award for it.

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Good for you. One of my sons has ADHD and was struggling to keep pace in French Immersion before March 2020 - but was working at it. In the virtual environment, with no visual cues for understanding and no classmates to turn to for 10 seconds of help, he quietly fell behind. I am sure he clicked over to Youtube from time to time, but I also know that he spend the better part of eight months in quiet desperation. We were not aware of how deep the problem was until January, when the only thing he was not in deep trouble on was mathematics. Our request to move him into English language instruction was approved…in June.

Had I not been also working from home, as was the case for many parents, I simply could not have given him the 2-3 hours a day of instruction needed to finish his year with satisfactory marks. Countless families faced similar problems. Some just didn’t give a damn, some spent the better part of 18 months being pushed into despair and are still working to mitigate the damage.

I don’t call those parents ‘shit’.


Rods chains and perches!!! Excellent. Will read it later, thanks for sharing.

You miss the key point, I’m talking purely about lesson attendance.

think you’re missing his key point, a child with ADHD will never succeed in a virtual environment. many young children who had two working parents during lockdown simply couldn’t be adequately supervised during lessons. Mrs had to break up her work day over 12-14hrs to ensure that our son (at the time, 5-6yo during lockdown) had enough 1-1 time to grasp concepts. I remember using lego blocks to do basic math using the buttons on top to count, and the penny jar.

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The issue w.r.t Manipur is really shocking. And it’s something that has been boiling for a while. Fair to say that the modi govt has lost the plot on this.

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Yeah, that’s a sweeping generalisation that just isn’t true. And specifically, I was talking about kids in general. not those who suffer from certain conditions. I’ve done a massive project over the past few years tracking progress (with all available data) vs attendance. Take a wild guess what the data shows.

Oh look, it’s a causation versus correlation error.

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wtf did i just read ? That generalization just isn’t true. There are degrees of ADHD.

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sorry I left out a key word. “virtual learning environment”.

No, it’s explaining to Mrs Miggins why her little Jonny isn’t doing well at school. Here are his attendance figures over lockdown. Your fault Mrs M.

Again. No. Do you know a kid with ADHD ? There are some cases in ADHD when a virtual learning environment helps for kids especially when the kids in question have anxiety. Both aren’t necessarily exclusive.

Anyway , I agree that this has nothing do with your topic with Klopptimist. So, I’ll bow out on this.

So, what happened to the lioness!

I’ve taken her in and given her some bratwurst.
She’s got smelly breath and is taking up all the space on the sofa, but is otherwise friendly.
We’re watching David Attenborough documentaries together and discussing hunting tactics.


Saw a little bit about this - startling because of the horrific failure of his spotters. He was presumably not a very big man, so 210 kg would have been a significant squat for him. In a controlled setting one would have thought he had proper support around him.

I don’t know how the fuck that spotter was thinking he could help in a squat from that position. fucking useless. should be one body on either end of the bar.

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